Cubeworld - Minecraft style RPG ( INDIE )

Cubeworld - Voxel-based exploration RPG

Tonight on Indie Retro News it's the game called Cubeworld and it's a Voxel Based Exploration RPG, it's unlike anything I've seen before and probably the same with you the viewers. There is not much to go on at the moment as it's still very much in development, however sufficed to say there will be a lot of exploring involved and have a Zelda feel to it with a hint of Minecraft
Look at it! Half the planet probably wants to buy it and then cuddle it. .

A developer should always have back up plans!

What if there was a hard drive failure? What if the site was hacked? Lots of what if's but always have that back up ready. Remember I talk to developers on a daily basis
Is there a reason they didn't go for a Steam release through Greenlight or something?

No Steam
No Desura

I didn't even get to see if they were using Paypal as a payment, most likely they wanted the money directly without any inbetweener taking a cut. However we are not alone with issues, those that did get to buy are having lag and some didn't even get their game yet. The game wasn't up for that long!

I wonder how many people hit the buy option :D:D

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