Curious job situation, what would you do?

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
I recently applied for a temporary project secondment working abroad for the head office function of my current employer. The position is for around 8 months.

My current head of department has the choice of holding my position open for me, or not.

She had chosen not to.

What would you do OcUK? Take the project role and potentially be made redundant at the conclusion, or stay where I am? To put things in perspective I am currently relatively well paid for what I do and would struggle to find an equivalent replacement job with the same or better salary and benefits.
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The benefit would purely be the additional Salesforce experience it would give me (it's not a project linked to my "day job")

This is my issue, I can't see enough, if any, tangible reward in return for my risk.

Fox, it's a bit of both, there are secondment roles and fixed term roles. I actually applied for the secondment but it transpires that's no longer an option for UK employees, only the fixed term (the reasons aren't anything sinister, just boring)
Thanks all. I've spoken with HO and voiced my concerns and they are going to try and get pressure put on at board level to ensure a slick release and return for me. This was their suggestion not mine, it's already in motion by the sounds of things. In the meantime I just need to stay out of it really. Watch this space!

hughtrimble - Upon reflection, my thoughts were the same as yours. I'm either highly valued (too valued to let go) or I'm not valued at all - do I really want to work for someone who's going to effectively block me from doing what a) I want to do and b) Would benefit the business greater than I can currently.
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