Current kernel version??

Ubuntu will tweak to make it work with their OS without issue, then release it as part of an Os patch... others will have a more technical answer for you.
Not all distributions will run the latest kernel as they will want to run the same version to keep compatibility since the distribution version has been released ... particularly common in the enterprise arena.

RHEL5 for instance runs 2.6.18 (*) with RHEL 5.4 having and 5.5 having Fixes, particularly security ones, will frequently be back ported to the kernel they are using by the distribution maintainers but the same basic version is kept to keep compatibility with enterprise applications.

(*) exact numbers are off the top of my head and might be wrong ... but even if they are then the point stays the same.
Still they are a bit behind at 2.6.32.

Ubuntu 10.10 uses 2.6.35.

As noted:

Not all distributions will run the latest kernel as they will want to run the same version to keep compatibility since the distribution version has been released ... particularly common in the enterprise arena.

This. Various bits n bobs will be backported (e.g; for hardware enablement) but the goal is to keep API/ABI compatibility. This then means ISV's don't need to re-certify.
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