Custom desk - what would you want?

Looks nice :)

Maybe I would have sprayed the cable grommets brown though? (you can buy brown ones, it's just an odd shade of brown).

They go with his white cabinet ok I think.

I probably would've gone for removable legs so it was more portable. Oh and back-shelves.

It is a very lovely desk though - good job.
Looks great, said I would do the same 6 months ago and still not done it yet.

Going to run a 2.7m length so both to include space for Mrs McB too - think it would need more than one centre leg if battened all the way around?
I doubt it would even need one leg in the middle. Try without first and then add one if it needs it, but unless you are filling the desk with heavy gear it should be fine.
Thanks guys, I appreciated the bumps anyway ;).

It's Sennheiser's HH10.

I bought one of these headphone stands after seeing yours. At it's widest setting It doesn't quite go over the 40mm desk top. Did you have to sand a bit off the wheel, or did you just force it on? The plastic does bend, but just a bit hesitant in case it snaps.

EDIT: I drilled a hole in a piece of wood and screwed the adjuster wheel into it then cut about 4mm off it with my chop saw :D. Fits great now and looks great. Hopefully my new headphones will last a bit longer now they have a safe place to sit.
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This seems as good a place as any to post the fruits of my (idea stealing) labour:


I need to get a matching pair of monitors so the VESA mount is in the same place, but otherwise I'm happy with it

Need some cable tidy trays too
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