Customer Archiving

22 Jun 2005
We are trying our best to create a paperless office,

Is there any software(s) that will do the following

1) File Documents under a customer number, and allow it to be backed up easily?

We recieve faxes, emails, letters etc daily from customers, filing them is good enough, but it becomes a pain when we want to track a piece of paper down to refer to it.

Is it possible to have a software linked to a scanner, so we scan in the document, say who its from (have a seperate account for each person communicating with us) and the date it was recieved.

Is there anything (preferably free) that could help us with this?
Yep - software like this is called Electronic Document and Record Management and can get very expensive. Its all the rage in Public Sector organizations here.

I'm not sure if there are any lightweight systems out there, most I've seen start at around £5k for the software plus costs like hardware (scanner and server) and SQL licenses.

Its a big step.

Of course you could just scan the stuff manually and then name the files in some meaningful way (by customer number) but this can be very time consuming if you have a lot of documents and will likely not allow you to index the created files (indexing is the key keature of enterprise DRM). With indexing you can just type in someones name and it will return all documents that mention that keyword, just like Google for your filing cabinet.
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