Did the tailored version not include all the errors in your CV?
triggerthat said:Did the tailored version not include all the errors in your CV?
mrdbristol said:
he was from lockin(sp) westernmrdbristol said:( I knew 2 Kelvins from skittles ( 1 from Pill and 1 from Portishead (a footballer))
AcidHell2 said:Looks good to me .
remember to tailor it to the job though. Most people seem to think one cv fits all. I have about 6 different basic CV's which can then be tailored for different job areas.
mrdbristol said:( I knew 2 Kelvins from skittles ( 1 from Pill and 1 from Portishead (a footballer))
Version 4:
Townlea said:Much better - Your CV looks a lot more appealing to the eye due to it being spread out
Arcade Fire said:Is 'skittles' the same as ten pin bowling? If so, I'd call it ten pin bowling instead, as it sounds a bit less juvenile.
Arcade Fire said:Is 'skittles' the same as ten pin bowling? If so, I'd call it ten pin bowling instead, as it sounds a bit less juvenile.
Spammeh said:Don't know if this is any help, but this is my CV, and it got me a few interviews a few weeks back pretty damned well.