I noticed there is a big gap between georigia and uzbekistan. Do you have any thoughts on what route you would take there because i am not sure how well the roads are. I think some of that could be riding through the desert or mountains without shops on the side of road etc. Are you going to rough it completely with tents and survival back packs or take public transport with your bike and thinks like that?
This an epic journey, riding across china is a big enough of a challenge. How many people is going at the same time?
I've left it blank because of how tricky it is to get the Iranian visa. The main plan and backup are as follows;
Plan A:
Tbilisi, georgia
Yerevan, Armenia
Tabriz, Iran
Tehran, Iran - Stay for two weeks whilst getting Uzbek visa and Turkmen transit visa
Mashad, Iran
Race across Turkmenistan via Mary in 5 days.
Head to Bukhara, Uzebkistan.
Plan B:
Get Azerbaijani visa in Tbilisi.
Cycle to Baku, Azerbaijan.
Get Kazhak and Uzbek visas.
Get weekly ferry from Baku to Aktau, Kazhakstan.
Head to nukus, Uzbekistan and then down to Bukhara.
Plan A is all fairly developed, lots of truckers go through Turkmensitan so lots of shops by road.
If I go with Plan B the bit of Kazhakstan I'll be going through as well as Western Uzbekistan will be quite remote so will stock up on supplies.