Cyntoia Brown - latest celeb/social media story

Yes, I believe when the body begins the process to sleep, the mind floods the body with a chemical to shut you down for sleep. I guess they can easy test for that.

Hormone called Melatonin.

Iirc that's released before sleep to make you tired (That would be present when people are still awake but tired) it's the chemical it acts against is the one I mean, the one that keeps us awake during the day. Can't find its name at the moment :(.

I think we have a forensic guy on here hopefully they'll drop in and say what's what.
During sleep a phenomena called brain inversion results in a temperoal flux occuring within the cerebellum lobe which induces a very weak magnetic field on parietal cerebrum. This field is just significant enough to alter both the spin-spin and spin-lattice (T1 and T2) relaxation times of the electrons contained within the protons of water molecules. Providing the death was relatively sudden, this phenomena of nuclear magnetic resonance should be able to discriminate a victim who died awake as opposed to asleep. TLDR; An MRI scan of the brain will tell you if the victim died asleep.
Social media in a not all the facts story shocker. :rolleyes: I wonder if the person who originally shared the image really believes in the cause or just wants likes and shares... perhaps I'm just being cynical.
Not sure what to make of it tbh, neither party is particularly sympathetic. Both are dangerous individuals one of who is now dead, being young I would like to think she has some hope of transforming her life but that doesn't appear she will ever get the chance to.

Good job by the OP though on calling the B.S from a celebrity, they should really be to account more often for some of clap trap they come out with.
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