d/l redhat ISO's. how on earth do i install it

19 Oct 2002
if d/l the redhat 8 iso's (3 of).

ive extracted the ISO and put it on to cd. now wot on earth do i do?

i read that the cd should be able to boot by itself and the install prcedre should start. but that just aint happening. i also read that there should be a file called boot.img in a images folder on the first disk but i dont have it (to create a boot disk)

how do i install redhat. i havent d/l a duff set of disks have i??

i have never used linux b4. so any help would b appreciated.

You'll need to:

  1. create CDs from the ISOs using your favourite piece of CD-R software
  2. Place the CD1 in the CDROM drive
  3. Shut Down Your PC
  4. Reboot Your PC, hitting DEL to get into the BIOS
  5. Make sure that your CDROM is the first boot option
  6. Save and Exit
  7. Machine should now reboot into the Installer :)

Did you make sure you created an image on the disk? Not extracted the files onto it?

In nero -> File -> Burn Image -> select file (cd1/2/3 etc) -> burn

This is how it is done, but if you did that. Are you sure you have it booting from CD-ROM when loading?

If not, go into bios, advanced chipset features or something. Then change a boot device to CD-ROM. Put the cd in, reboot and your away (hopefully:D)
If not then have you checked the MD5 sums of the ISOs, if they arent the same you have a problem.

thanks forthe help every1

ive made the disks etc.

can i install linux on a seperate partition to windows? can i make this second partrition without forating the HDD. i dont want to loose all the info i have under windows,


You can do, but Im not sure that you can resize the Windows partition in the installer, I have always used a seperate hard disk.

You can use a third party tool, or RH may support it.

i have partition magic. but ive not used it b4.

any info on wot i need to do would be much appreciated. ill have alook through it now.

Just resize the Windows partition to leave ~10gb on your hard disk, then let the installer partition that :)

Originally posted by RichardSlater
FYI - The RedHat 8.0 installer can resize your windows partition, but I would think that Partition Magic it is tried and tested.

You can use Parted if you're already using a Linux install. GNU Parted is a very cool piece of software :D

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