D600 screen hinges, feeling a bit loose/wobbly can i tighten them? or replace only..

21 Oct 2002
Parts Unknown
as title

can be bought for about £15 from the bay, never really looked at laptop screen hinges before, is it just a case of tightening a screw, or would i need a new set.

(currently, the screen has about 5-10mm of free/flappy movement

done these ones


feeling a lot better, how do i get to the others? (and done the one on the right obv)
it's more than acceptable now, doesn't shake after i've let it go, and doesn't wobble at all when typing :)

love this laptop, managed to get one with the nice screen, 14.1" @ 1400x1050 rocks, battery life is unreal on it

have got two moludlar bay batteries and two normal batteries, can get around 14hours battery out of it without having to turn it off once :D (brightness right down, and not using speakers)

plus, the modular bay can take a hard drive if you wish :)

can this take 1gb sticks anyone know? it's dead snappy with 1gb (12 processes running), but if i can get 2gb, then all the merrier
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