Daddy ate my eyes...

That's grim, can't quite believe someone would do that no matter what the provocation, but especially to your kid.

Eye carumba.
These jokes are just getting cornea by the second. :(

I win, I know. But seriously that's a horrific story and as someone else said, i'm now de-sensetized to the point where i dont feel as disgusted as I know I should. Sad.
These jokes are just getting cornea by the second. :(

I win, I know. But seriously that's a horrific story and as someone else said, i'm now de-sensetized to the point where i dont feel as disgusted as I know I should. Sad.

These jokes just get cornea and cornea.

You lose. Sorry!

And I know what you mean about the whole desensetization thing, bit of a shame really.
"More than 20 prior criminal cases can be found for the father in court records, including a no contest plea in April 2006 on misdemeanor willful cruelty to a child. He was placed on probation at that time."

Why the hell was this mofo allowed to be in the company of a child! I wouldn't let him have an ant farm let alone a child, poor kid truly shocking behavior:(.
An horrific story with the predictable GD lack of sentiment. I'm all for the quite embarrassing aping of 4chan by GD members when it is (rarely) funny but putting crap puns to awful stories is hardly clever material, guys.

Poor wee boy :(
I...I don't quite know what to say..

Thats just aweful...reading it outloud to my co-workers made it sound even worse...christ how can people like this actualy exist?
No one can, unless their mind is warped by drugs. The kid shouldn't have been with the parents though, he should have been removed from the family but it's just unfortunate he wasn't in time.

For the most part I love drugs but they do cause the odd bad reaction like this which sort of makes you think.
How can people make jokes about this? :mad:

It has to be one of the worst and most upsetting stories I have read in a long time, how could a parent do something like that to a 4 year old child :( The father needs his eyes scooped out with a rusty spoon.
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