2013 was their big latest album, they have never been one of those bands that put an album out every year that has 1 good song with the rest filler.Have always been a fan but they haven't done anything for years have they?
Yeah the soundtrack to the latest Tron film really made it. That moment they fight in the club with the home cinema blasting is amazing.
All these years I never realised I was a Daft Punk fan. As an oldish bloke I don't really pay attention to who does what music, other than my beloved 80's bands of course, but obviously heard all these tunes on various shows and radio bits. The only one I definitely knew was Daft Punk was the Faster Stronger song, but other than that it simply glossed over me who was doing what of these dance tracks I was hearing, and finding myself really quite liking. Only in recent months, spending hours tossing it off on youtube while on lockdown, I find that 90% of these tunes were Daft Punk. Funny old world.
Plenty more artists available.
Really though that list feels dismissive; the first album (Cross) has the most bombastic belters and a glitchy sound, but the second (Audio Video Disco) and third (Woman) are both really satisfying to listen to in entirety without too much regard for the individual songs - sort of ‘life soundtrack’ albums - which blend old school disco and modern dance like Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories... but more cohesively and just flat out better. Similar to how I mentioned it in the classical music thread, those latter two albums are almost better as background music albums until you become familiar with them as they aren’t as ‘instantly gratifying’ but you’re rewarded with repeated listens (which is how I wean my ear to some classical music).
I seem to fail to connect with it at all. I really want to like it because of all the live instruments, but I just don’t. It’s mostly low tempo, plodding and even a bit sad / melancholic in places. Altogether MOR. A really long 1 hour 15 for meRandom Access Memories is incredible, second to Discovery for me out of their non live albums.