Daily Mail - Animated Gifs showing horrible acts

The news has a statement like "people might find the following scenes disturbing". Which I assume isn't present sites with grim gifs?

I'm not sure it's quite the same thing is it?

Have you not seen the news recently? It's wall to wall distrubing. If seeing someone kicking a cat is disturbing, you should see what's happening in the middle east. Or don't
Jesus, how soft are you? Imagine the pearl clutching if you went on /gifs/ on 4Chan!

The real world is an unpleasant place with terrible things happening all the time. The sooner you understand that the better you can deal with it when something happens to you.

Hard disagree with this (and similar sentiments in the thread).

Nobody should scroll a news/reporting website and be unwillingly subject to clips of violence of the sort mentioned in the OP.

Certain corners of the internet being a total sewer is irrelevant.
I can see both sides here.

You choose to go on a web site with a level of expectation on what you might likely to see on the site image-wise. The expected then happens i.e. those GIFs on the DM site. Then on the flipside, it reminded me of a recent thread on this forum (the "I'm too old" thread I think) and someone posted a picture of an arm with stitches, which wasn't like reeeeeeealy bad, but I think it was still better posted with a spoiler tag.
I have just scrolled down the Daily Mail website showing an animated gif of a horrible individual booting a cat up into the air, a bit more scrolling revealed an animated gif of a female teacher being beaten unconscious by a male '270lb teen'. I don't want to view those images, do you think it's ok for any site to display images like that without asking your consent first? Will the new online regulations put a stop to this?

Don't do it to yourself. A mate recently said he'd stopped reading their site, he only used it because its free and he's found himself getting less angry about all the crap going on. I refuse to give that rag clicks. Its whole purpose is to keep you angry and clicking.
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