Daily Roundabout Frustrations



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
There is a special kind of hell for the person who signed off this roundabout that I have to deal with multiple times per day.

What we effectively have is the sign and lane road names on approach not matching up with the lanes on the roundabout.

The middle lane says A5(N) as does the right lane. The sign on approach agrees these lanes. When you enter the roundabout, the lines do not support this at all!
Here is the approach:


Here is where the lanes actually go:


So if you go in the middle lane and want to go to Fenny/A5, you actually cant since the blue line puts you into the outside line which only allows exit onto the A4146.

The lanes from above:


So the blue lane appears to not be able to access the A5(N) or Fenny despite the sign and A5(N) being printed on the middle lane on approach.

Unless blue lane goes to middle lane on the roundabout. If that happens you run into the issue in the yellow circle where both lanes are trying to go into the middle.

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It's MK, all roundabouts are a free for all :D

Seriously though, I frequently go to/through MK and have taken that very roundabout with issues too, I'm less confused now I understand what's going on. It's certainly a **** layout.
.. but isn't there a set of lights or new signs at/after the yellow circle which shows correct lanes for rest of roundabout .... don't really see the problem,
you're expected to be able to change lanes whilst on a roundabout.

e: yep - gmap link shows road marking a5n on right two lanes and left is indistinct, but presumably not A5n too

e2: would be interesting to know what car nav lane instructions are, as you negotiate roundabout - are they confusing.
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The question is, do I go middle lane to middle lane or go right lane to middle lane, because at the moment is about 50/50 from each lane going to the middle lane with loads of cutting up and beeping.
.. but isn't there a set of lights or new signs at/after the yellow circle which shows correct lanes for rest of roundabout .... don't really see the problem,
you're expected to be able to change lanes whilst on a roundabout.

The lanes at the next set of lights support middle lane to middle lane. However most people seem to go right lane to middle lane, despite the sign saying A5(N) only for right lane, they are now in the middle lane for A5(N), Fenny and A4146.
The answer is, you carefully adjust your speed so at the crunch point you nobody is beside you. This may or may not involve going very fast or very slow. :)
The answer is, you carefully adjust your speed so at the crunch point you nobody is beside you. This may or may not involve going very fast or very slow. :)

This is what I usually do, but when it's very busy, the horns and cutting up get excessive.
20+ years of driving and I still detest roundabouts and still don't feel comfortable driving on them - though I'm fine with all other types of road layout. I'm OK with the simple 3-4 way ones with 1-2 lanes but even those I'd happily give a miss. When I passed my test I could drive from one side of the town I lived in to the other through all the roundabouts without breaking a sweat, in recent years they've redesigned most of the layout and it is a nightmare of poor layouts and "throughabouts" which to be fair make sense once you are used to them but are prohibitive for anyone to figure out on first encountering them.

So many though are poorly or conflictingly signed it is ridiculous.
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There's a lot roundabouts in MK with *REALLY* badly marked out lanes, which either disagree with signage, or even themselves as you progress around the roundabout. Worse are the ones which get repainted and they put back the same god damn mistakes - as with the A5/V6 roundabout 2 down from this one.

20+ years of driving and I still detest roundabouts and still don't feel comfortable driving on them - though I'm fine with all other types of road layout.
I prefer roundabouts to almost every other type of junction. It makes it much easier to keep your momentum going. Most traffic lights keep you sitting there needlessly for what feels like an eternity, and roundabouts with traffic lights are even worse. If it's busy you often end up completely blocking an exit.
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Yesterday I hung back and watched as all 10 cars across both lanes, ended up in the middle lane. Much chaos.
A167 thinford roundabout.

Total chaos at times with people jumping over multiple lanes to get in the correct lanes.

Doesn't help that its a main trunk road and they built multiple fast food units around it.
I prefer roundabouts to almost every other type of junction. It makes it much easier to keep your momentum going. Most traffic lights keep you sitting there needlessly for what feels like an eternity, and roundabouts with traffic lights are even worse. If it's busy you often end up completely blocking an exit.

I'd rather wait a bit longer than wonder what driver is going to cut me up, try to go on around to the right from a left hand lane past the exit for my lane, or pull out on me, etc. etc.
MK is a mess. The original design of it, done when actual architects did this stuff was neat, but the tacked on modern bits aren't good.

Parking is just as annoying. Why not just make all of it the same?
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