Daily Roundabout Frustrations

Worth raising with your council surely?

Getting more frustrated by this and all the parents at my son’s I speak to have the same issue.

Planning to send an email into the black hole that is the council this evening.
That is indeed a messed up load of signage.

Not on the same scale, but we have a fairly new bypass around part of Congleton, and every roundabout on it they have cocked up, thusly:

See how the white lines on the roundabout itself imply that anyone entering from a left lane is turning left. But there's no such signage on approach. So you end up with both lanes being used to go straight on and people having to fight it out on the exits which are only two lane for a few metres.
The markings are irrelevant anyway seeing as 75% of drivers these days would simply take this route...

...because why use one lane when you can use all three.

I mean if you’re at the front, why not take the racing line!
I've sent the council an email with a PDF of the issue and 2 dash cam videos. Looking forward to getting no where :D
All the a5 roundabouts in MK are a mess since they redid the road markings, seems most people are still using muscle memory which makes them a right pain to traverse safely, your never sure if the other users are following the new markings or just making it up as they go along. You quickly learn never to be alongside other road users round them!
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All the a5 roundabouts in MK are a mess since they redid the road markings, seems most people are still using muscle memory which makes them a right pain to traverse safely, your never sure if the other users are following the new markings or just making it up as they go along. You quickly learn never to be alongside other road users round them!
Yep, unless it's a 2 lane where everyone (should) know what they're doing, you end up watching the people next to you like a hawk.
From an insurance standpoint, what would be the best option? Technically speaking if I use the middle lane to go to the middle lane I am crossing into another lane. Where as those in the right lane are following the lane markings to get to the middle lane.
I try and stay in a staggered position on roundabout these days though not easy with other traffic not cooperating - so many people have poor lane discipline. I was looking at some dashcam footage yesterday and someone had encroached on my lane ahead of me and no doubt would have done if I was there from the manner of their driving and I hadn't even mentally noted it at the time because I'd driven expecting stuff like it.
There a few in MK like this. The lanes when approaching just don't match the ones on the roundabout. It's what you get when you hire in the lowest bidder all the time I suppose.

You just have to wing it.
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I always hang back a little on this roundabout and make sure I dont have anyone right beside me just incase they have a panic moment and change lanes suddenly. Fortunatley I dont have to do it at busy times.
Also I don't think some people understand that roundabouts are round, and that you don't need to dive off at your exit across traffic, you can just go around the roundabout

Had some one the other morning stop here as they were in the wrong lane.

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