Damaged new car! Opinions please

9 Sep 2021
My cousin is getting his first car on finance, it will be brand new and fitted with a black box. (He’s just passed his test)

It was on its way to be delivered today when he got a call to say his car had been damaged during transport so they need to take it back and fix it. (It was being transported with 2 or 3 other cars)

Turns out this ‘damage’ meant that the back of the car was completely smashed up.

The car company is going to provide him with a hire car then give him his car once it’s been fixed. They will also refund him some money and pay for insurance etc. for the hire car.

This is supposed to be a brand new car and now it’s damaged and probably won’t be the same as it was before, but my cousin is still happy to take it even though it’s been significantly damaged. The company have told him that the accident won’t show up under his name, but it will obviously show up with the car.

What is everyone’s opinions on this? Would you still accept the car once fixed? Or would you ask for a new one? What are the pros and cons of still accepting it?

First of all, thank you all for the replies. There’s lots of info/advice on here which is really appreciated. I have shown him some of the comments on here in the hopes that he will at least think about the situation and what it would mean to accept this car once fixed vs requesting a new car.

I believe he is paying this through a car loan company and I did mention that it might be worth giving them a call to inform them of the situation.

Honestly, I don’t think he’s even asked to see photos of the damage. I’m a bit worried that he’s just accepted/agreed to whatever the company have said to him on the phone.

In the end, he will be the one that makes the decision. If he still wants to take the car, then he does. I just don’t want it to come back and bite him on the bum in the future if he would have to pay to fix issues that wouldn’t have been there before.

I will post an update with the outcome when it comes to it.

Thanks again to you all
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