DanH84's 2013 training log

5 Aug 2004
Hey all,

Need to be consistent this year. I'm aiming to keep a log of every session I do. I'm starting pretty much from scratch and for the next 2-3 weeks I'll be on a cut as I lose the xmas flab.

Wed 02/01/13

Squat 5x5 @70kg
Bench 5x5 @50kg
Row 5x5 @40kg
2x8 Dips
2x8 Pull downs
Ab work.

All weights I know I can handle today, trying to get my form down for squatting as it needs fixing. I'll be running a modified version of stronglifts for the next 6 weeks or so.


can someone help with my squat form please? it's really bad.
It's not that bad, the angle of the camera could be more central, as i can't quite tell if your going down slightly askew. Also if your not adverse to them, wear shorts, makes it much easier to see what's going on, looks like your missing an inch or two depth, and it's possible your knees are coming in slightly. All minor points, and easily fixed, overall very reasonable.

Also to link your vids directly if you don't already know you want to put everything after the = inside the following brackets

Take out the / from the first set of brackets
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ah sweet thanks. I'll wear shorts on Friday for my next session and put a new video up. Cheers. The camera angle is a bit tricky as it's just where I can rest my phone but if I need to i can always ask someone to hold it for me.

Thanks again.
Your glutes aren't firing until you get to the top by the look of things...

Your knees and shoulders appear to move independently of your hips, which suggests your hip draaaaaaahve isn't quite where it should be.

Shorts and a side view, please. :)
Hmmm... Push your heels through the floor, and really force your hips through to the front. You get it at the top, but you just need (I think) to push harder a the bottom.

My cues for this are really weird, so I won't try and explain for fear of sounding REaLLY strange. :)
session 2...

Fri 04/1/13
Squats 5x5@70kg
OHP 5x5 @20kg
Deadlifts 3x5 @60kg

Incline bench 2x10
Pulldowns 2x8
Lateral Raise 2x10

I'm keeping the weight the same on my squats until I'm happier with my form. Don't want to risk injuring myself again. OHP and deads seemed very easy but I've started very low as I want to give myself a good run of linear progression and nail form on everything.

I've added in some extra volume. Accessory exercises will be kept in the routine as long as possible but if I need to ditch them to continue progression then they'll go.

I'm hoping that by the time the weights become challenging I'll move from a calorie deficit to a surplus.

Vids to follow for squat form check.

I can feel myself moving in separate stages :/ I did try and push my butt upwhile keeping my head lower but it didn't come nthink about the rippetoe video but when you're under the bar it's a different story compared to watching it.
ok thanks. More to take back to the drawing board then on Monday. Are there any cues for this? I've heard about rotating elbows down to the floor? Anything else?

Are my knees going out ok?

Thanks again.
Rest day today but did 10 mins of skipping. In a month or two I'll go back to boxing but I'm moving house twice between now and April so need to wait until all the hits to my bank balance/time are out of the way till I commit to classes. In the meantime it'll pretty much be 15-20mins cardio 3x a week + some skipping at home.

Or to masculine it up a bit. Rope jumping.
crap crap crap still broken squats.

Progression begins this week on all exercises bar squats. Considering dropping to 50k just to ensure I get form right.

Workout A
Squat 5x5 @ 70kg
Bench 5x5 @ 50kg
Row 5x5 @ 40kg
Dips 2x8
Abs 2x8
Curls for the girls 1x15

video of still forward leaning squat and also one without the weight on the bar (in the hope you can see if there are any differences) to follow.


Last edited:
Wed 09/01/13
Squat 5x5 @ 50kg
OHP 5X5 @20kg
Deadlifts 3x5 @60kg
Incline bench 2x8
Pull downs 2x8

Static holds

Took some videos today but not posting currently as I still have forward lean. I'm going to try a higher bar with my squat.
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