DanH84's 2013 training log

Hey. Been in hospital with pleurisy :( not he start to the year I wanted it's fair to say. Been out for a while now and want to get back to it but taking things quite easy in the gym for next week or so.

Will update log again from now.
Coincidentally, Rippetoe came up in conversation on Sunday.

I was telling LiE how much of a useless bell end he is :D


His programme works, but it's just using very old, very standard techniques. It also doesn't work... for anyone lifting near their actual potential, because it's so basic.

The way he teaches squat form is terrible.

He is a man who has developed a weird cult following (read his forums, oh lawd!) for no good reason at all.


Have you read the form thread? There are some important pieces about trunk stability in there. Someone said that you need to keep your chest up, but this doesn't mean contorting your spine from hips to head. Your spine should be straight.

You need more forward knee travel, and you need to keep your knees out.
Hi, thanks for the advice.

I did a very basic
2x8 squat
2x8 bench
2x8 row

today. It was actually easier than the cardio. I'm going to look over the form thread this weekend. I also have a question about my wrists when benching I'll ask in there.


I've been looking for a 4 day upper/lower split for a while now as 2x a week bodypart frequency appeals to me as a good mix between allowing frequency/volume and recovery.

3x8 Squats 60kg
3x8 RDL 50kg
2x10 Leg Press 120kg
2x10 Leg Curl 56kg
3x6 Standing calf raise 80kg
2x10 seated calf raise 40kg

My knees don't move forward very much at all btw. I tried today to keep a neutral spine, high bar with knees forced out. It felt stronger than it has but still work to do when squatting.
3x8 Bench 60kg (tried a narrower grip pinkies just touching knurl on bar as I wasn't able to keep my forearms under the bar directly before. Much narrower than I'm used to but my wrists were folding inwards or bending back too much).
3 x 8 BB Row
2x10 Hammer pull Down 45kg stacks
2x10 incline bench 45kg
1x10 lateral raises 8kg
1x10 db curl 12kg
1x10 tricep pushdown 45kg
I also did 2 hip/hamstring mobility and 1 shoulder mobility exercises from Eric Cressey.

I have a foam roller and baseball at home so will do some work tonight.
2x8 Squat 60kg
1x8 Deadlift 60kg
3x8 RDL 50kg
2x10 Leg Press 120kg
2x10 Leg Curl 49kg
3x8 Calf raise 120kg
2x10 seated calf raise 40kg
2x10 abs
3x8 Bench 60kg
3x8 Row 45kg
2x10 OHP 30kg
2x10 Hammer Pulldown 45kg
1x10 lat raises 10kg
1x10 db curl 14kg
1x10 Tricep pushdown 45kg
Warm Ups + Stretching
3x8 Squat 65kg
3x8 RDL 52.5kg
2x10 Leg Press 140kg
2x10 Leg Curl 56kg
2x10 Calf Raise 140kg
2x10 Seated Calf Raise 50kg
2x10 Abs
Dude - if you can do all those bodybuilding specials after squats, etc. you're not squatting heavy enough. :)

I appreciate you're trying to make sure your form is spot on and that is important, however I'd swap out everything after RDLs for deficit Bulgarian split suqats or reverse lunges.

For the 'upper' session, drop everything affet the OHP and up the respective weights on those compounds. ;)

Admittedly, I'm biased towards bigger movements, so take what I say with a pinch of salt, but if you're squatting/benching/OHP-ing to your potential, you shoudl not be able to crank out that many other exercises as you're simply not working ahrd enough. :)
Thanks for the feedback. I am working under previous maxes at the moment but the programme is a straight rip of the lyle Mcdonald generic bulking routine. I wanted to add a little size. The weight has gone up a little this week but it's week 3 onwards when there'll be an attempt each session at linear progression in each of the core lifts. If I have to drop volume to accommodate that then that's something I'll definitely consider.

Thanks again :-)
3x8 Bench 65kg
3x8 Row 50kg
2x10 Incline Bench 47.5kg
2x10 HPD 50kg
1x10 DB Curl 14kg
1x12 Tricep Pushdown 45kg
No update for the last few days. Not been feeling 100% but still seemed ok to train.


30mins low intensity cardio

3x8 Squats 65kg
3x8 RDL 60kg
2x10 leg press 140kg
2x10 leg curl 56kg
3x8 calf raise 120kg
2x10 abs

3x8 Bench 65kg
3x8 Row 52.5kg
2x10 OHP 32.5kg
2x10 Hammer Pulldown 50kg
1x10 DB curl 14kg
1x10 tricep pushdown 45kg
3x8 Squats 70kg
3x8 rdl 65kg
2x10 leg press 140kg
2x10 leg curl 63kg
3x8 calf raise 140kg
2x10 abs

3x8 Bench 67.5kg
3x8 Row 55kg
2x10 Incline Bench 50kg
2x10 HPulldown 50kg
1x12 db curl 14kg
1x10 tricep pushdown 50kg
Monday 04/03
3x8 Squats 75kg
3x8 RDL 67.5kg
2x10 Leg Press 150kg
2x10 Leg Curl 63kg
2x10 Calf Raise 150kg
2x10 abs

7/6/6 Bench 70kg
3x8 Row 57.5kg
2x10 Incline Bench 50kg
1x5 bw pullups
1x10 hammer pulldown 50kg
2x10 tricep pushdown 50kg
2x10 db curl 14kg

First failure on bench today (not a failed rep just failed 3x8) no accessories will go up until I hit 3x8 on that weight now. Row will progress as before until it fails. Still getting used to the closer grip when benching.
I'm still not sure why you're going for these extended workouts with almost more big assistance work than free weight compounds? They look like fun workouts, but must take ages!

If you can manage leg pressing at 150kg for 2*10 after squats at 3*8, then I personally don't think you're squatting big and heavy enough. Same applies for stuff like the tricep work n Tuesdays...

Apologies if that's blunt, but I think you could be doing better for less 'effort' as such. :)
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