Probably organised crime, uncovered something that someone didn't want exposed, the conspiracy theorists would have it that bent senior police officers were involved in a coverup at this distance of time who knows.
I was working in and around Sydenham when this happened, and I remember thinking that the P.I. had maybe trodden on someone in the underworld’s toes, but that was just my conjecture.
I’ve never had much faith in the police since an incident circa some 65 years ago.
I was around 17, hobbling along Southwark Park Road, S.E. London, with low back pain, in company with two friends.
Two cops walked past on the other side of the road, with an Alsatian on a leash.
One of my friends thought it funny to sing out, “One man and his dog, went to mow a meadow.”
The cops started across the road, and my two friends fled.
One cop said to me, “Why are you bent over?”
I said, “I have low back pain.”
The other cop said, “Who sang “One man and his dog?”
I lied, “I don’t know mate.”
He punched me hard in the mouth, saying, “I’m not your ****ing mate”, then they walked away.
When I got home, claret all down my shirt, and a fat lip, my mother went nuts.
I told my parents the truth about what happened, and my father went to Lower Road Police Station to report it.
They categorically denied that two cops with a dog were on patrol in Southwark Park Road that night.
That was the end of that.