Dark Age of Camelot - Uthgard 2.0

6 Oct 2008
I was surprised that there wasn't already a thread dedicated to this. I've seen a few old DAoC players on these forums over the years, so I imagine some of you would be interested in this.

As far as I'm aware, freeshard talk is allowed on these boards as I've seen it elsewhere (such as the legacy WoW/Nostalrius thread), let me know if this isn't the case though and that was just an oversight.

Basically, Uthgard was a Dark Age of Camelot freeshard that ran for around 10 years, with a focus on the classic experience. It held a healthy population but as the numbers began to fall off towards the end with many people wanting a fresh start, the server was taken down and a re-launch was planned.

Roughly two and a half years later, it has been announced that Uthgard 2.0 is finally almost ready, with an open beta starting just a few days from now, on Saturday, May 7th.

Uthgard 2.0 is focused on patch 1.65 and the staff are trying to make it match said patch as perfectly as possible, with very few custom changes. When the server launches, it will be a completely fresh start for everyone, this is what has me excited to play it; the chance to play on even grounds, to be part of that community and play DAoC in what was, in my opinion, the golden era of RvR.

Patch 1.65 released shortly after Shrouded Isles, thus SI will be available on Uthgard. The developers have said that the SI zone(s) aren't ready to be opened when the server launches, but that the SI related races & classes will be available with the zone(s) opening up later.

Information about the game in that state is fairly scattered, but here's a few useful sites:

How to connect & FAQ https://uthgard.org/howto

Uthgard website with open beta countdown & public forums https://uthgard.org/

Patch 1.65 mechanic information http://talsyra.tripod.com/daocmechanics/index.html the growth rate table by realms is especially helpful

Official Patch 1.65 notes http://camelotherald.wikia.com/wiki/Patch_Notes:_Version_1.65

Patch 1.65 Character skill builder http://play.nixian.eu/index.php?page=charbuilder

There's a decent amount of information on the official Uthgard site. The most notable change over live is the fact that no dual-logging is allowed, including buffbots.
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I noticed this the other day (through freddyshouse i think) and cant wait myself!.

Gonna create my trusty old Cleric - Mauness and hope to some fun like the old days.
I had more problems with alt-itis in DAOC than in any other mmo, ever. Downloading it now, no idea what class I'll end up with though. Loved warden, but hated Hibernia.
Is Darkness Falls included in Uthgard 2.0?

Certainly. Only thing we don't know yet is whether, on release before any keep action takes place, we will have access to it or not. They've said either everyone will have access, or no one will. Hopefully everyone, can just imagine being amongst the highest levels and slowly progressing towards the imminent opportunity for realms to cross sides and start ganking :p
Certainly. Only thing we don't know yet is whether, on release before any keep action takes place, we will have access to it or not. They've said either everyone will have access, or no one will. Hopefully everyone, can just imagine being amongst the highest levels and slowly progressing towards the imminent opportunity for realms to cross sides and start ganking :p

Nice one. Darkness Falls was my favourite zone in DAOC (in any MMO really). I loved the mechanics for unlocking it and the risk-reward for adventuring in there.

I miss DAOC, it's been a few years since I last played on the official servers. If EA dropped the sub price to something more reasonable for such an old game I'd likely still play from time to time. I played a bit on Uthgard 1.0 but levelling was painfully slow (something that didn't need preserving from classic DAOC) but I hear it might be faster in 2.0. Plus it could be fun if everyone is starting afresh.
Nice one. Darkness Falls was my favourite zone in DAOC (in any MMO really). I loved the mechanics for unlocking it and the risk-reward for adventuring in there.

I miss DAOC, it's been a few years since I last played on the official servers. If EA dropped the sub price to something more reasonable for such an old game I'd likely still play from time to time. I played a bit on Uthgard 1.0 but levelling was painfully slow (something that didn't need preserving from classic DAOC) but I hear it might be faster in 2.0. Plus it could be fun if everyone is starting afresh.

I'd have to agree :) I loved DF in it's "prime".

http://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=36071 is a good thread to read if you're curious about leveling speed etc
I don't think I could face power-levelling a load of Alts with a Necromancer + Buff/Heal Bot at those damned skeletons ever again. :(
That music brings so many memories back.

Reading about the levelling has instantly put me off.
I'd love to play again but just don't have the time which I'm sure will be the case with most people who played DAoC back in the day.

When DAoC came out I was about 15 with no responsibilities etc etc.
Unfortunately their target audience has grown up and no longer have the free time they used to have.
I'm not going to spend months levelling a character up that could be deleted at anytime. I remember my first level 50 took 14 days played (ohhh the sweet grind) and I just can't sink that amount of time into a game anymore :(
Excalibur - Hibernia player here :) back in the day, i mainly played a Ranger and a Nightshade (Yeah im a stealther) although i had a Bard and a Mana Eld for Group play, and the customary Shroomer for PVE farming.

I went back to DAOC a few years ago when the Mino expansion was current, played a Middy on the Ywain clusters, SB mostly and a Zerker, but the game had all but died by then.

I might actually be one of the only people who loved TOA too ;)
I'd have to agree :) I loved DF in it's "prime".

http://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=36071 is a good thread to read if you're curious about leveling speed etc

Hrm, it seems the mindset remains that slow levelling is somehow a good thing and keeps things 'authentic'. This seems to ignore the fact that slow levelling was always a gripe many players had, hence the prevalence of power levelling spots, grind groups, buffbots etc.

Personally I think there's a compromise that could be reached between improving DAOC's original levelling grind but keeping some degree of time commitment in the process.

That said, I've always enjoyed levelling in the PvP Battlegrounds anyway (Thidranki, Leirvik etc) and often used the /xp off command to prevent capping out via xps before I'd capped my RPs for each battleground.
Not sure if it's been mentioned but this Sat is the start of the Beta, so don't get attached to any characters you make as they will be wiped come release in a month or so.

I played Uthgard for a couple of years and it was fantastic. However there seemed to be a lot of organized 8v8 groups on TS around who were high RR, so this reset and change to keeps should change the RVR for the better.

Need lots of new players for healthy server pop so if you want to try an old MMO with arguably the best PVP out of all them give it a try, its free!
I remember your Cleric. :)

yep and i remember seeing you around :)

I dont mind slow levelling, as back then it was a brilliant community, and for me the social element to the game was so good i never really paid attention to levelling.
I take it you guys are keeping an eye on Camelot Unchained? I'm fairly hopeful for it but think it's a hell of a long way off :(

Not sure why anyone would want to play anything involving Mark Jacobs after he killed DAoC Class Balance and then messed up Warhammer Online almost exactly the same way... I guess people have very short memories.
I think you'll find the community did most of that over the course of several years by constantly bitching about balance. I was there from beta in the US servers, the blame doesn't sit entirely with him. WO wasn't a problem with class balance it was with terrible pvp zone design.

I quite like the way the new game is coming, I've played on Uthgard and other servers but the prime days for me were long ago, well before GOA ran the EU servers and the game was in US only.
i might pop onto this i was thinking about resubbing to Daoc until the beta for camelot unchained started. I used to play on excaliber server back in the day. Then on Ywain a few years back.
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