Darkest Dungeon

Thanks for the links, it does look good. Not sure about there price model, $50 seems a bit much but i am a steam deal kind of guy :).

ps i also like the manly story telling guy :)
The price does seem over the top to me, but I'm just commenting as a consumer without attachment to the game.

Checked what I paid for Legend of Grimrock before release that included DRM free, Steam key, one music track, digital artwork, wallpapers, digital fancy map, and some other knickknacks. 11.99 USD seemed fair, and they seem to have sold lots by having a lower price.
Been watching a few streams on this. Looks a fantastic game; I'll be jumping in for the early access.
So, anyone bought and played this yet?

I find it disturbing that tripe like BF: Hardline gets bumped to the top, and this thread has so few replies :(
It looks a great game and the graphic style looks superb. Steam doesn't show a price yet, anyone know what they will be charging ?
I hadn't even heard of this game until it appeared near the top of Twitch as one of the most viewed games over the past few days.
Watched a bit on Lirik's stream and it seems to be right up my alley so looking forward to trying this. I'm about halfway through 'The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky' though at the minute and am really enjoying that so wanna finish it before I throw myself into this as it seems like the kind of game you want to devote some proper time to so you can go over the stats and strategies.
Absolutely loving this game! It's very challenging too, I've had to restart it about 10 times now. Makes a change from just walking through games :)
Been watchign Lirik play this. It seems pretty fun, although some of the mechanics are pretty over-complicated.

Will wait for it to be not early access any more.
Been watchign Lirik play this. It seems pretty fun, although some of the mechanics are pretty over-complicated.

Will wait for it to be not early access any more.
It's all pretty straight forward just the games stress system is very unforgiving.

your not always supposed to be able to succeed in a dungeon run it's very random like FLT is.

sometimes it's impossible and when it is the game punishes your party so hard for abandoning a dungeon instead of just killing your guys fighting to the death
also buying the gear for the dungeon is expensive as hell and without it you have no chance
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