Darkscape - An experimental Runescape MMO

15 May 2010
Out of Coventry

Like Runescape, or used to like it? Check out this new gamemode! Completely free, very fun.

  • Based on the main runescape game, with the legacy combat system
  • Completely free - Content that is members only in runescape is available for F2P players in this mode
  • Every account starts at base stats, even if you have a regular RS account
  • PvP everywhere, all the time. No safe spots.
  • World map is divided into three zones - Low, Medium, and High risk
  • Like in regular RS, you become "skulled" when attacked someone.
  • Guards patrol zones in different quantities depending on the zone risk. Guards will attack skulled players, are max combat, and use an enhanced combat system.
  • Each zone has its own distinct bank and grand exchange
  • Grand exchange prices for items differ between zones. The only way to move items between zones is by foot
  • XP rates are boosted compared to the main game. Having runescape membership gives you 1.5x rates
  • Contains all the previous 14 years worth of game updates. Will be updated differently from regular runescape from now on.

Its a bit chaotic at the moment, but things should get very interesting when people start to spread out properly and separate into clans.

Check it out!
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