
18 Oct 2002
I was looking to get a datatag kit to put on my bike when it arrives. It made a reasonably difference to the insurance quote, so seems a good idea.

However, looking online, the prices vary quite wildly - motorbike stores seem to charge anything up to £60, whereas the various mountain bike shops are only charging £23 or so.

Looking around, there only seems to be one type of datatag kit, as opposed to a push-bike specific one, and a motorbike specific one. Are the motorbike shops just being greedy?
Ah, that'd make sense then. I just didn't want to pay over the odds for the same thing. I'll call the stores and check how many tags come in each kit.
you get about 5 and also you get like a glue that has loads of the id's in it you paint it over anywhere on the bike like nail varnish with black dots in it that ave number etc you put it all over frame wheels underside ofpaint work etc more the merrier,, better chance of id it it get broke stripped.
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