Some more research on DL. Main focus on Logistep.
I can't seem to find anything about how/if the Swiss data protection official actually went to court against Logistep and what might have become of that. Anyway, what they are doing is illegal, out of the following reason (as I understand the above):
In order to 'spy' on IP addresses etc. you have to have a criminal case first. In any case you need to inform the accused on what you are doing and how that data will be used.
DL file a crimal case first, get the IP and especially your name, then file a civil case, never proceeding the criminal case.
(plus they don't allow auditing at Logistep, so you can always deny their irrefutable proof)
They can't do that in France and Italy any more, the judges ruled clearly against them/their methods. As far as I know the final decision is due in Germany soon, and it doesn't look good at all for DL.
Now the problem is this: since in civil cases there is only a 51% 'believability' necessary to find you guilty in Britain they
might actually win these (all I am saying there is a chance)! So in order to stop this hassle once and for all somebody has to file a criminal case against DL, accusing them of violation of data protection act (at least in Switzerland, but my guess is they violated the English law as well), and then they can't win any civil cases any more (if at all until then), because people can just refuse their evidence (actually the only evidence they have) prior to any hearing.
I am definitely going to see a lawyer next week and will go against DL without awaiting their answer on my refusal to pay up. I am only wondering why nobody has done so before?
Btw, just to help the discussion on file-sharing=illegal=huge income loss to games industry=high prices of games=etc.:
There was a very interesting article in the latest Total PC Gaming magazine (issue 9) title 'Can piracy save the PC?'. The answer to that question is the personal view of the author and will not concern me here. More interesting is the game company he cites which has conducted an analysis on how many pirated copies would actually be turned into sold copies if there was no piracy. Russell Carroll of the company Reflexive comes to the conclusion that only one copy in 1000 pirated copies would actually become a real sold copy, despite what game company giants say (claiming 100-500% loss due to piracy). That means 0,1% of all pirated copies would turn into cash for them. I'll just leave it at that.