Not updated this in quite a while again due to a combination of things which are too boring to mention.
I did get some really useful advice/help from a chap down the gym about 3 weeks ago on my deadlift form. As per the previous I have been struggling with it. Anyway, I did a squat session which I was happy with and this, and I am not trying to be rude here, seemingly thin, older chap (I would guess his age is about 70 ish) came up to me as I was finishing my squats and asked how much longer I would be. Anyway he proceeded to do deadlifts with 160kg which I was just amazed at. I went over to ask him if he could give me a few pointers as I struggled with them.
Basically, I wasn't utilising my legs enough, I was too close to the bar and not kind of pushing my hips down, so all the upward motion was coming from my lower back (hence the back pain I guess).
I have bought myself a belt as I just feel 'safer' with it (physiological probably, but I find it helps), but my deadlifts in the last month have improved dramatically.
Today's workout:
Warm-ups - bar x lots, 50kgx10, 70kgx8
110kg 3x5
Bent over Row
80kg 5x5
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
40kg 5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls
16kg 3x10
Hammer Curls
16kg 3x10
High Pulley Crunch
40kg 3x15
Will try to keep this updated a bit more now.