You have paid taxes on everything throughout life. You as a parent want the best for your kids. Some people work their nuts off so their children can have better, sometimes for that time they do die...
I find inheritance tax close to the mark, this is disgusting.
South East is mentioned, where I live.. We are hardly rich. Yes we don't go without, but a far cry from rich.
Dad's house is probably about £800k. Add up everything we may reach a million of assets and cash. We hardly have the life of 'millionaires'. Virtually none of it is liquid.
But say this passes and my parents have a £1m of assests. Our inheritence bill will be £270k plus another £80k for the house. £350k gone.
All because my dad worked his nuts off for 40 years to give us more...
On the social care issue, my Grandad is currently in a home. Alzheimer's. Close to £1k a week as he needs special care. We sold his house to pay for it, and we aren't allowed state help apparently once that has gone in ~4 years time...
Wouldn't mind these taxes so much if we could benefit from them...