David Cameron 'orders new curbs on Internet Porn'

14 Oct 2003
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolo...ameron-orders-new-curbs-on-internet-porn.html

So if I had kids and say 'yes' I shall be forced to install filters and will presumably be put on a list of persons 'who look at porn' which presumably will be the foundations for future legislation.

If I say 'no' even though i have kids, I would be prosecuted? Maybe my access confiscated?

If I say 'no' and i don't have kids, presumably my name will go on a list as per the above for the above reasons?

1984 anyone? What happened to leaving parents to actually do the parenting? Wasn't that the Tories original line when they were smashing labour for it?
State filtering?

"We know lots of parents are concerned about the material their children are accessing on the internet and we want to do more to help. We've consulted on a variety of options on how we can make it safer for children online."
How about the parents take responsibility and get educated.
Mothers union.

Figures, this is directly comparable to the temperance movement in the US a century ago, females taking away a guys favourite toy.

Wont work.
Why the hoo hah about porn? I've been looking at it since I was 12 years old and found an interesting selection of Danish magazines in my Dad's bottom drawer. Never did me any harm.
Just what we need another excuse for people not to take responsibility. This is so wrong on every level I hope it never happens.
Not sure why they are making this ISP's responsibility..
A parent that wanted to restrict such accessibility to whatever site can do so through filter software or settings in your browser!
Not really sure why the UK Govt. would be asking the advice/guidance of a tiny* religious (Christian) Minority on anything really...

*4 Million members in 83 Countries (And I'd happily wager that the majority of those 4 Million are from the USA...)
It will take kids no time to get around this. I'm not sure who persuaded Cameron that it was a solution.
You get things like this and then at work we are always being asked to remove Internet filtering from the Schools (By Teacher) as its against someones right to view everything. Yeah right, whatever.
Just when i thought this sorry excuse for a govt cant get any worse, they go and do this.

Wonders will never cease to amaze me :/
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