DaVinci Code

McDaniel said:
my housemate said it was getting slated, i do wanna see it though looks good. :)

oh and this thread will be moved

Hasn't been moved yet. ;)

Where are all the mods, its not like it 4am or anything? :p

EDIT: Ok now it has after reading it and thinking "im sure all these replies werent there before" :o
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Wrong forum, but still.
I dunno, i havent seen it yet, but i'm tempted to go, the reviews seem reaaaaly bad, but then so did the shawshank redemption!.
Arcade Fire said:
Haha, yes. Dan Brown, John Grisham, Tom Clancy, Jeffery Archer, Andy McNab... they all belong firmly in the pile of "books what you don't have to think to read". That's not necessarily a bad thing, and I've enjoyed a couple of Jeffery Archer books myself, but don't delude yourself that you're reading something of any artistic merit whatsoever.

You pretentious Tosspot.

I'm not a fan of Grisham, because I find lawyer stuff boring. Andy Mcnab, Well I've never read one but the man is using his experiences to produce exciting page-turners.

Clancy I won't have a word said against ( Even though I KNOW he has his faults)

Jeffrey Archer? Fantastic.

Personally I wouldn't wipe my arse on shakespeare rubbish etc.
ElvisFan said:
You pretentious Tosspot.

I'm not a fan of Grisham, because I find lawyer stuff boring. Andy Mcnab, Well I've never read one but the man is using his experiences to produce exciting page-turners.

Clancy I won't have a word said against ( Even though I KNOW he has his faults)

Jeffrey Archer? Fantastic.

Personally I wouldn't wipe my arse on shakespeare rubbish etc.

Who says he has to like Shakespeare lol...?

And if you read his post properly:

That's not necessarily a bad thing, and I've enjoyed a couple of Jeffery Archer books myself,

All he's saying is that there's no artistic merit in them...which is true.
Saw the film last night. Both me and my girlfriend enjoyed it.

8/10 from me :)

Oh, I hadn't read the book before I saw it either so I don't know if that would have made me think less of it....
ElvisFan said:
You pretentious Tosspot.
Thank you.

If you look closer at my post though, you'll find that I didn't say that those authors were worthless - I just said that their books have no intellectual or artistic content. Which is true. They are, as you said, simply page-turners.
Arcade Fire said:
Thank you.

If you look closer at my post though, you'll find that I didn't say that those authors were worthless - I just said that their books have no intellectual or artistic content. Which is true. They are, as you said, simply page-turners.
Agreed. All of those authors fall under my idea of 'Airport Fiction', where you don't have to have half a brain to read them and enjoy them.
Another decent twist on the 'Sereph' (sp?) theory!... (Watch Dogma for the other!!)... I liked it, Kept me alert and watching for the entire film!. :)


I like films that turn standard religious dogma on its head!...

End of Days,
Devils Advocate,
Omen (just the first two!!),

and now:

The Da vinci Code!...

I'm not religious (people tend to think so due to my birthday on Crimbo Day!) but I like it is a good story! (I'm going to Hell :D ). Its sort of... Did it happen or not???.. Hmmmmmmmmm :)
Both me and my girlfriend read the book when it came out and both enjoyed it , anticipated the release of the film etc..

All I can say is screw the critics, judge the film for yourselves. We really enjoyed it and can't wait to see it again.

The critics that were so ready to slam this film need to just relax and enjoy the film for what it is.
the_brainaic said:
Agreed. All of those authors fall under my idea of 'Airport Fiction', where you don't have to have half a brain to read them and enjoy them.
A complete aside: your username always makes me chuckle. Is the mis-spelling deliberate?!
I thought the film was quite watchable and certainly not deserving of many of the poor reviews. Certainly a lot worse on at the pictures!
I also thought it was decent. It missed out on the intricacy of the book a little but the basic story has the power to make you wonder. Me and my friends spoke about it for ages afterwards and whether there is any truth there or not, it still makes you think about the possibility that such 'truths' do exist and have been covered up.

Granted its only a mildly intelligent film, but still one to make the average person think a little, and that makes it alright with me.
Just saw it, I loved every minute of it. I didn't read the book but I managed to pick up what it was all about and what was going on.

All was great apart from ####### 10 girls (about 14/15 years old) who were sitting a few rows infront of us... They were talking, playing on their mobiles, switching places, getting up and down for the whole film :mad:
Why did they bother going to see it :confused: :mad:
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