Day of Defeat: Source - Free This Weekend!

18 Oct 2002
the iron sights are useless on the garand basically :( although you can still snipe with it, but as it's never usually a clean kill it's hard to get the second shot off on target.

However the KAR ironsight is awesome, you can go up against snipers with it with ease, for example on avalance, down by the archway on the axis side looking out onto the square, you can bring yuor ironsights up, shuffle to the left around the wall to the right and there is a drainpipe you can see through into the allies sniper window, and with the ironsights you can always kill their sniper or MG there.

but the rifles on the whole are vastly inferior to the MG's, with the support weapons being beasts!!! especially the BAR on full auto. You can control the recoil easily now they reduced it. Plus you get two valuable grenades.

the strongest weapon in the game though is either the Thompson or the Kar.
29 Oct 2005
VaderDSL said:
the iron sights are useless on the garand basically :( although you can still snipe with it, but as it's never usually a clean kill it's hard to get the second shot off on target.

However the KAR ironsight is awesome, you can go up against snipers with it with ease, for example on avalance, down by the archway on the axis side looking out onto the square, you can bring yuor ironsights up, shuffle to the left around the wall to the right and there is a drainpipe you can see through into the allies sniper window, and with the ironsights you can always kill their sniper or MG there.

but the rifles on the whole are vastly inferior to the MG's, with the support weapons being beasts!!! especially the BAR on full auto. You can control the recoil easily now they reduced it. Plus you get two valuable grenades.

the strongest weapon in the game though is either the Thompson or the Kar.

Why do you think the thompson is one of the most strongest weapons in the game? I think its the snipers and the two rifles, if used correctly. IMO. I love the ironsights on both rifles. Easy one hit kills. Or two hit kills for the garand on a person with 100hp.
18 Oct 2002
I dunno, on public play (yup I know it's pretty awful) but if you get a team with basically assaults they can pretty much dominate, combine the smokes, high ROF (spray) then from what I have seen, and I'm more than likely wrong, it just seems they are the weapon which has the most impact on a game.

However I'm probabaly playing on skill less servers :p Especially on maps like Avalance, close quarters and not many sniping areas means you get Assault's just running around the church and apartment spraying :)

Again, I apologise if I sounded a bit arrogant, just from what I have seen Assaults may not be the best weapon, but they seem the strongest from the sheer amount of people who tend to use them :)

Personally I stick to the rifles and support :)
27 Aug 2004
Nice one, thanks for the heads up. Ill get this after midnight when im unmetered on my net.

Does anyone know how big the file is that has to be downloaded, id imagine about 1GB?
29 Oct 2005
VaderDSL said:
I dunno, on public play (yup I know it's pretty awful) but if you get a team with basically assaults they can pretty much dominate, combine the smokes, high ROF (spray) then from what I have seen, and I'm more than likely wrong, it just seems they are the weapon which has the most impact on a game.

However I'm probabaly playing on skill less servers :p Especially on maps like Avalance, close quarters and not many sniping areas means you get Assault's just running around the church and apartment spraying :)

Again, I apologise if I sounded a bit arrogant, just from what I have seen Assaults may not be the best weapon, but they seem the strongest from the sheer amount of people who tend to use them :)

Personally I stick to the rifles and support :)

Ah no worries im just generally saying im kinda annoyed of having no self defense against a sprayer running into you in say.. an enclosed hallway. Specially with a rifle you've got no chance. I wish they would put a bayonet as a selectable secondary fire on the rifle. I've kinda given up DoD:s for a while due to losing my rag while sprayers dominate the map, i'll stop ranting though.
18 Oct 2002
VaderDSL said:
the iron sights are useless on the garand basically :( although you can still snipe with it, but as it's never usually a clean kill it's hard to get the second shot off on target.

However the KAR ironsight is awesome, you can go up against snipers with it with ease, for example on avalance, down by the archway on the axis side looking out onto the square, you can bring yuor ironsights up, shuffle to the left around the wall to the right and there is a drainpipe you can see through into the allies sniper window, and with the ironsights you can always kill their sniper or MG there.

but the rifles on the whole are vastly inferior to the MG's, with the support weapons being beasts!!! especially the BAR on full auto. You can control the recoil easily now they reduced it. Plus you get two valuable grenades.

the strongest weapon in the game though is either the Thompson or the Kar.
The thing is though, on the original DoD, you didn't need ironsights on the basic rifles, because they were so accurate anyway. The Kar was almost perfectly accurate, and the Garand only slightly less so. So the skill with the rifles was being able to pop out quickly round a corner and fire a shot off immediately, suprising anyone there, rather than having to shuffle round slowly and get picked off like the snipers do. If you had a good enough aim there was no need to snipe, but DoD:S seems to force you to.

I realise they've tried to tone down the rifles from being the almost absolute powerhouses they are in the original DoD, but it just seems like they've gone a bit too far in Source, with all the changes listed. I guess I wouldn't mind the slight innaccuracy so much if I still had a pistol for backup or the stab/smack to catch players next to me with, but if you miss a Kar shot at anyone fairly close to you now, you're pretty much screwed.
23 Aug 2004
The Toon
More than just 4 Maps!!!

What you have to remember as with the old Dod, custom maps are appearing all the time! Have a look at 907th and DoD Christain Solders .

907th have 38 maps for download and all install automatically. So preload before the weekend and get onto the servers quicker and make the most of you free weekend....Happy fragging.... :)
20 Jul 2005
DaveyD said:
Depends if you go in hoping it to be COD or not.

It's pretty much just capture + hold with crazy Source physics :p

it can be the most fun you can have on a WW2 fps though aswell, a round can get quite addictive if both sides are fairly balanced/playing well as its a stale mate and yo-yoing a lot, its different put it that way ;)
9 Nov 2003
On the Hill
Nice one DaveyD you're a star.
Have been on the verge of buying this for a while now, I'm starting to get tired of COD2.
How many people do you get on the average DOD:S game?
I like playing on COD servers with 30+ people but then the maps tend to get to crowded, I read somewhere that the DOD:S maps are larger with more routes around them which sounds great to me.
So it'll be with the OcUK prefix this weekend and I hope I'll get to team up with some of you :)
20 Jul 2005
it uses the sam engine as css mate.

my mates pre loaded it and he is telling me has 1.5hrs to go until he can play the game :s i thought it was on saturday not friday that it was available from?
11 Nov 2004
fullfat said:
it uses the sam engine as css mate.

my mates pre loaded it and he is telling me has 1.5hrs to go until he can play the game :s i thought it was on saturday not friday that it was available from?

Well i checked mine last night and it said it'd be ready to play at mid day today.

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