DC Vault

I've just signed up to Correlizer and RNA world :)

Fantastic! ;)

Watch out for those monster WUs in RNA, and the deadlines, if you do decide to do them (they give massive points) and you need a deadline extension ask in this thread. You can disable them in the RNA preferences (cmsearch XXL) but when I did that I got no work at all.
Cheers will do, I've also signed up for Docking so currently have one wu of each running. Nearly forgot to put OcUK as the team, I set it after I started the current wu so hopefully it will still count.
I'm doing Rosetta, Seti, Docking and Cosmology on my poor laptop.

Its an i7 quad with HT and a measly NVS 4200M (48 cores) but its beavering away (when its plugged in!)
Nice work guys, we've moved up 3 places in the Biological And Medical Science category, I reckon Canada will fall soon :)
90% through these GIMPS WUs ... they dont half take a long time.

Probably 1 more day needed. Be interesting to see what 8 completed units will do for my score.
90% through these GIMPS WUs ... they dont half take a long time.

Probably 1 more day needed. Be interesting to see what 8 completed units will do for my score.

I signed up to GIMPS yesterday as well, only gave it one core though. Bit annoying it's not on boinc as the stats for it don't seem that good.
Any idea what the difference between LL and LL-D is ? i have no idea which WUs are best to do and theres not a lot of info on this (might be trial and error)
No idea I'm afraid, I increased the memory used slightly but left everything else on the standard settings. Like you say the instructions aren't the best!
DOUBLE TEAM STOMP! :cool: .. now up to 25th

Great work on GIMPS Remos,

Time to fire up the barbie and drink beer :D
Yeah nice work on GIMPS. I don't think I have managed to complete a WU on that yet. I keep getting messages saying possible hardware error, confidence in final result is poor or something like that.
Cool.. So a weeks wait for 8 WUs was worth it. Lets see what I get for standard LL units in the next week. 25th is a good rank... But I do fancy seing if we can break top 20 :-)
Geez look at this WU I've picked up on RNA :eek:


... I thought the rest of the RNA ones were bad.
Yeah nice work on GIMPS. I don't think I have managed to complete a WU on that yet. I keep getting messages saying possible hardware error, confidence in final result is poor or something like that.

I've not completed one yet either, it's working without errors but just taking ages!
Dimes has been removed from the DC Vault, maybe temporary, depending if they can sort their stats out and Eon has been added. This hasn't worked out too well for us, we're in 26th now 5K adfrift from 25th, we would have been in 24th after this mornings stats had things stayed the same, nevermind, I'm going to give a couple of cores to Eon and see what happens.
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Dimes has been removed from the DC Vault, maybe temporary, depending if they can sort their stats out and Eon has been added. This hasn't worked out too well for us, we're in 26th now 5K adfrift from 25th, we would have been in 24th after this mornings stats had things stayed the same, nevermind, I'm going to give a couple of cores to Eon and see what happens.

Damn that's a bit annoying. 40% through my gimp task, I don't think it's ever going to end lol. Docking, correlizer and RNA work all seems to have dried up for the moment.
GIMPS sure does take a long time doesnt it :-)... the 7% i have dedicated to eON2 seems to be making some difference (well 2% of the teams work) still no Enigma units though..
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