DCS:- Black Shark 2

Patch is out .......

17 December 2011

The Black Shark 2 patch provides improvements and fixes to the DCS series of products. In parallel with this patch, improvements have been made to the master multiplayer server to improve stability. Download the patch from:


This patch applies to the English version only.

Black Shark 2 Patch Changes

•Crash with South Ossetia in Fast Mission Generator is corrected.
• Added option to turn tree shadows off and on. Setting tree shadows off will result in better frame rates.

•HDR effect on sun corrected.
•Dust and smoke grenade effects at night no longer appear as if day.
•Fixed building errors at Sukhumi airbase
•Visibility range of rocket smoke marker has been increased.
•Contrail duration time is reduced.
•Corrupted NVG image after long use is corrected.
•Tree shadow rendering improved.

•SEAD flights use anti-radiation missiles correctly again.
•Crash with more than one aerial tanker in a mission is corrected.
•Orbit trigger action has been corrected.
•FARP and airbase ATC now respond correctly after landing.
•Ground unit logic of driving over bridges adjusted.
•Repeating wingman rejoin messages fixed.

•Landing gear door animation for Ka-50 is fixed.
•Trim with force feedback joysticks has been fixed.
•NVG effects re-done.
•Turning down Shkval contrast, produced Negative light in cockpit, making HUD completely dark at night, effect of this problem has been reduced.

Note: v1.1.1.1 will break any joystick or keyboard config that uses custom modifier keys - It is a simple fix to re-add the Custom Modifier Key to the Modifier list.

Double-click to patch_setup.exe file to start the installer.
It is recommended to turn off anti-virus and security software because they can slow the installation process considerably.
If you have problems after installing the patch (like slow frame rate or crashes), please do a full re-installation. To do so:
1- Uninstall DCS product.
2- For Windows 7 users, look in your /Users/(name)/Saved Games/ and delete their respective ‘DCS’ folder.
3- Reboot.
4- Install full version.
5- Reboot.
Make sure you are up to date with your graphics card drivers.
Turn UAC in Windows off and then reboot before installing DCS, afterwards turn it back on and reboot again.
Also, make sure you have the latest DirectX and C++ versions installed:
DirectX (June 2010):
Microsoft Visual C++:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)
The Fighter Collection, Eagle Dynamics (c) 2011. All rights reserved.
News and updates available on the following links:

So Black Shark 2 requires BS1, how does this work with steam? I am considering grabbing BS1 on steam as it's on offer right now.

Basically there are 2 versions of BS2. A Standalone version and an Upgrade from BS1. The cheaper Upgrade version of BS2 will work with the Steam version of BS1.

However, the Upgrade BS2 version will install to a separate Folder outside Steam. The Steam version of BS1 will be untouched. The one caveat is that you must fly in BS1 once and then install BS2.

Clear as mud huh? :)

It is possible some other software is grabbing the Pause key. If you are changing the binding in DCS note the sim has 2 sets of key Binding Profiles. There is one profile for the Arcade Game mode and one for the Sim mode.

You will see on the Options page for changing the Keys, in the top left hand corner, the selection box for Ka-50Sim and KA-50Game. Try changing the Pause Key for both.

Also be sure that DCS is run as administrator or your key profiles changes may not work.

If you still have no luck try asking on the offical forums http://forums.eagle.ru/index.php

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