DDO Unlimited

8 Nov 2006
Ireland/Northern Ireland Border
I know there is another thread on Dungeons & Dragons online but has anyone played the Unlimited 'Free to Play' version Turbine launched in the US recently?

I started playing it recently. I downloaded a copy and I am connecting to the US without any lag at all. I have been having great fun recently without spending a bean.
I have 2 toons on khyber, Caifon my lvl 17 bard and Dinak my lvl 6 sorc, have spent some money on buying the adventure packs, but since i canceled my sub to the Eu version it works out about the same.
I don't know if I'll like this kind of game, but at the price it's worth a try!

Edit: I can't install it. I'm having the same problem described here:

I download the ddostandard.exe or ddohigh.exe, and when I click on that I get the message, "No internet connectivity detected. Please reconnect and try again." (While browsing the net and downloading from steam)

Any ideas?
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The biggest shock i think ppl may find is that all the quests/wilderness areas is instances, meaning that no on else can enter them unless they are in your party and its not kill 1 mob and get xp, you only get xp for completing the quest and in wilderness areas its kill a rare get some xp and loot, find areas for xp and kill certain amount of mobs for xp, which is usually advertised as rares/slayers/explorers in the LFM.

If you play on kyhber and see 1 of my toons on send a tell, i maybe able to help with some spare items i have lying about and some plat, though it would have to come from my bard as shes the rich 1, just over 200k plat ( 2million gp ).

Caifon ( lvl 19 bard ) Dinak ( lvl 15 sorc )
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