DDR4000 RAM - should run at at least 250MHz? RMA if it doesnt?

15 Mar 2006
Ok i've got 2x1GB Ballistix PC4000 RAM, which is a rating of 250MHz if i'm not mistaken.
I'm trying to 'overclock' it at the moment, i'm not touching any voltages, it is running fine at DDR400 with the system clock at 200MHz, however when i up the system clock to a mere 230MHz, the system is unstable.
The CPU multipliers etc have been lowered, and the CPU has been tested to run at 270MHz, so that's not the problem.
Since it is DDR500 RAM that i have, i have the option to run it at DDR500 from the BIOS, what difference does this value have when trying to overclock? I've tried both settings, and neither can run 230MHz stable.
Ok, well this is just weird... when i set the system clock to 250MHz, DDR400, CPU multipliers etc normal, its fine... but when i reboot, it takes a sec to POST, and the mobo resets my system clock to 200MHz!!

Well frustrating! :confused:
Yea, HTT multiplier was lowered to 4, even tried 3, same thing.

Its running at 3-3-3-8, 2T, which are its default values (except 2T)

I actually reckon it's my motherboard thats the problem, i really regret getting this Abit an8-sli.
If it's old RAM (Say more than 1 or 2 years) then it'll be optimised for intel chipsets as most heavy duty oc'ing was based on those. I have some corsair that's a little dodgey due to this fact.
What voltage are you running? Have you booted into memtest and checked there. To be honest with it being ballistix its prob them at fault
ted34 said:
What voltage are you running? Have you booted into memtest and checked there. To be honest with it being ballistix its prob them at fault

It's running at 2.6V, i have run test of memtest86, which gave me other problems (http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17562361)

Now that you say it may be the RAM at fault, i really dont know what to do.

My Abit an8-sli is having to run at 2T because it wont load windows at 1T.
Other people that have the same problem, have the same mobo (maybe fatality version), but different RAM, so thats the mobos fault. But it is also a good overclocking board (or meant to be) so the low FSB crash may be the RAMs fault.

What to do... :confused:

I'm thinking of getting a DFI Expert, which could tell me which parts are at fault for those problems. I'm just worried that if the RAM is at fault, then that means new mobo and RAM, which could cost me a total of £370 (including proceeds from selling the old stuff, and the amount i paid for them) :(
Here are some of my experiences with Ballistix, I have to run the memory at 1:1 and the CPU at the default multi, any other setting gives me booting problems.
Anyone have any advice?

I still don't know whether it is the motherboard or the RAM that is not allowing the higher memory frequencies, and buying some new parts to test would mean a loss of about £30 per part since they then become used.

Maybe i could buy second hand RAM at DDR500 to check, but then again, if it is a compatibility issue between my RAM and my mobo, the new RAM may not be compatible either. (maximum speed of manufacturers list of compatible ram is DDR400).

Or i could get a DFI Expert, which would clear everything up as to where the problem lies, but then again, the RAM i have isnt on it's list either >.<

Also the current mobo i have is having to run the memory at 2T cos the mobo sucks, so i guess i need a new mobo anyway..

hmm well my question is, my system runs fine at the moment, gaming performance is pretty much what i expect, so should i get the new mobo (and possibly RAM) now, or wait until i need better performance? Since the RAM and CPU doesnt have TOO much impact on gaming on little differences, i guess this would only apply when i go SLI, or get a better card in a year or more. That way, the DDR RAM and socket 939 boards will also be cheaper then!
Dutch Guy said:
Here are some of my experiences with Ballistix, I have to run the memory at 1:1 and the CPU at the default multi, any other setting gives me booting problems.

Omg i love you!
Thats solved my problem of the memory frequencies!

Still have the 2T problem with the motherboard, but hopefully that means i can take the RAM and CPU to higher than normal frequencies since its set at 2T.

Havent test/benchmarked anything yet, will be updating with that info for anyone interested/bored.

Edit: I've just realised, this is what i did in my 2nd post.. lol
Wonder why it's working now.
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Try higher VDimm, Ballistix is rated to 2.8V

Only problem with 2.8V or higher can become the heat, I have a quiet 80mm fan blowing on the memory to keep it cool.
Well the jubilation didnt last long.

Machine shut itself down when doing dual torture tests at 250MHz.

Upped memory voltage to 2.8V, cant get windows/memtest to load (machine shuts down) no matter that frequency the memory is running at.
I've got an enermax noisetaker 600W. 5v rail is kinda high at 5.22 (if thats relevant) but nothing else.
At 250MHz, everything is at default except HTT multiplier which is at 4x, and RAM at 2T
Initially, i had the multiplier low when i was testing to see how fast the RAM would run, that was when i found it wouldnt go above 230MHz.
But it does run at that when the cpu values are at default like you suggested.

I'm testing the memory right now with memtest at 250MHz, CPU at default, 4x HTT, everything seems fine, and the CPU can go up to 270MHz (2/3 mem divider) and run fine, so i'm struggling to find where the problem lies.

Trying other things now.. if they dont work, then it'll be time to set everything to default, and play some Oblivion/PES5 :D

And maybe get new parts next week.
Penfold99 said:
want motherboard have u got? u sure u got them in the right slots?

Abit an8-sli.
i'm sure i have them in the right slots, there are only 2 possible configurations for dual channel. I actually MIGHT try the other option, but i dont fancy having to take off the arctic cooler again.
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