Dead computer

I had very, very, very similar problems.

I thought it was all kind of things. I settled on the PSU for a bit and replaced it several times. Everytime it seemed fixed, sometimes for months but would gradually get worse and worse, exhibiting symptoms closely resembling overheating CPU & GPU; i.e. random reboots, graphical corruption e.t.c. It wasn't overheating mind you. Anyway I found that more expensive PSU's would delay relapse longer, but they would all die in the end (including a very nice antect true blue). In the end I concluded that the mobo was melting the PSU's, and that other components after years of electrical abuse were also malfunctioning. It was impossible to troubleshoot without a multimeter and a telephone book's worth of technical specs so I scrapped the whole rig and started again. Later tests confirmed that the ram and cpu were screwy as well (possibly damaged). I still have the geforce 4 and I eye it suspiciously every now and again. I consider the computers remains to be cursed and often offer them to poor friends as upgrades that come with a dread warning.

So the moral of the story is: it could be your mobo!
Installed the new PSU today and left my PC on while I went to work tonight and everything seems fine now. I'm still considering changing graphics and motherboard but will wait a couple of months before taking the plunge.

Thanks everyone for your help!
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