Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game

13 Jul 2009
Pre-ordered this the other day & looking forward to it arriving once it's released.


Plaid Hat Games said:
Dead of Winter is a meta-cooperative psychological survival game. This means the players are working together toward one common victory condition--but for each individual player to achieve victory, they must also complete their personal secret objective. This secret objective could relate to a psychological tick that's fairly harmless to most others in the colony, a dangerous obsession that could put the main objective at risk, a desire for sabotage of the main mission, or worst of all: vengeance against the colony! Certain games could end with all players winning, some winning and some losing, or all players losing. Work toward the group's goal but don't get walked all over by a loudmouth who's only looking out for their own interests!

Dead of Winter is an experience that can only be accomplished through the medium of tabletop games. It is a story-centric game about surviving through a harsh winter in an apocalyptic world. The survivors are all dealing with their own psychological imperatives but must still find a way to work together to fight off outside threats, resolve crises, find food and supplies, and keep the colony's morale up.

Dead of Winter has players making frequent, difficult, heavily- thematic, wildly-varying decisions, that often have them deciding between what is best for the colony and what is best for themselves.

Example Card Art
A few more card previews.

PDF - Rule Book

Other Info
  • 60-90 mins
  • 2-5 players
  • Ages 12+
  • Game Design - John Gillmore & Isaac Vega
  • Artist - Fernanda Suarez
  • Podcast 112
Set Contents
  • 10 Dual-Sided Main Objective Cards
  • 25 Secret Objective Cards
  • 10 Betrayal Secret Objective Cards
  • 10 Exiled Survivor Secret Objective Cards
  • 30 Survivor Cards
  • 5 Player Reference Sheets
  • 1 First Player Token
  • 30 Starting Item Cards
  • 20 Police Station Search Deck Cards
  • 20 Grocery Store Search Deck Cards
  • 20 School Search Deck Cards
  • 20 Gas Station Search Deck Cards
  • 20 Library Search Deck Cards
  • 20 Hospital Search Deck Cards
  • 1 Exposure Die
  • 25 Crisis Cards
  • 80 Crossroad Cards
  • 20 Helpless Survivor Tokens
  • 30 Once Per Round Tokens
  • 20 Food Tokens
  • 20 Noise Tokens
  • 20 Barricade Tokens
  • 30 Wound Markers
  • 60 Standees
  • 50 Standee Stands
  • 1 Colony Board
  • 6 Location Cards
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 30 Action Dice
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According to their website "this product is currently being assembled by our manufacturer. This product will take 2-5 months to become available". So likely summer-ish time.

Really looking forward to giving it a go. I had a quick look through the rule book & it looks like it should play well.
When? How? I must know these things! :mad:

I saw the game when it went originally on pre-order but forgot and missed the great UK shipping rate. Thankfully though I got a friend out in the US to ship me a copy over (wasn't quite prepared to pay the $50 UK shipping option by that point). Arrived Last Thursday and have managed to get a few games in.

Every game so far has told an intriguing thematic story that feels like we the players created. For those looking an alternative to Battlestar Galactica as seems to be the case on BGG (a few people I know find that a little too long and slow) due the the betrayer I can confidently say for me it doesn't.

Apart from when this crisis cards go heavily against you, the games just feel too different. In BSG you know for certain there are Cylons working against you and finding them is part of the real objective of the game. In this you are so wrapped up in the challenge you are facing to survive every round and the story you are creating, you can't focus as heavily on the Betrayer which may not even be in the game. Also with your secret objective making everyone look a bit dodgy and that the Betrayer needing to keep you alive for a certain amount of time to complete their own, I think you feel more against the game in this and less against other players.

I would say the game this compares closest to is Robinson Crusoe, very thematic, very hard (have lost all 3 so far) and very story driven. The main objectives in this aren't quite as varied as in that, but the game is much, much better with your personal objectives, the traitor mechanic and the constant threat of Doom. Everyone I have played it with so far has really enjoyed it, though it can be stressful at times.

Oh and you can play as a dog, what more could you ask for.
I would love this game but I am seriously on the line with Zombicide S3 KS and now Dungeon Saga, so I am hoping my brother picks it up in a few weeks or so. For those who are interested, this is the link to the company that comes up as official UK reseller on the Plaid Hat Games website. I cannot vouch for them, just posting for info.
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