Dead pc or maybe psu help

17 Apr 2007
I shutdown my pc last night as i always do before bed, was working fine all day no problem at all, woke up this morning push the power botton on the front of the pc i got nothing no trying to power up no fans spinning zero :eek: . So i took the side off the pc and the led that is on the motherboard is flicker green , what i can remember it should not be flickering right? should be a solid green LED.
So i took the psu out the case unplug all wires from the case and shorted the 2 pins (green and black pins) on the motherboard 24 pin cable and the fan on the psu started to spin. That is far as i have got, is there anyway to check the vote from the pins or is there anything else i need to check. help is very much needed plzzzzzzz
Attach a fan or two to the PSU and see if they spin up. Then use a multimeter and check the voltages on yelllow to black (molex), red to black (molex) and orange to black (24way).

Not a perfect way to check the PSU as it could be failing under higher load than a couple of fans but it's a start.
ok what i've done now is the psu is out the pc now its not connected to the pc i attached a fan to the psu the internal fan in the psu is spinning and the normal case fan is spinning also, i also check the voltages on the 24 and the 8 pin they seem to be the right voltages. attach the psu back to the pc the 24 pin and the 8 pin cpu plug onto the motherboard. All i get is no internal fan spinning in the psu ,the green LED on the motherboard is still flickering what now?
i have a very similar problem, was just about to post and saw this thread.

i have exactly the same problem except my green light is not flickering, its a solid green and the pc has no life at all other than that green light.

will try your tip tealc, i'm at work at the moment so will try later.
What make of PSU is it? Wattage?

Sounds like the PSU won't start for some reason. Could be a faulty power switch on your case keeping itself closed or something. The power switch is a momentary switch that when pressed sends a signal to the motherboard that in turn signals the PSU to come alive. If the switch is always showing a circuit then the motherboard won't ever start.

Remove the front panel Power switch connector and instead use something conductive (ie. screwdriver, paperclip) to short the two pins. Just make sure you short the right pins or something nasty could happen.

You can check your switch too by removing the connector and probing the two wires inside, if the circuit is open normally and closes momentarily when you press the case button then the switch is fine.
ok a update on the problem i had a spare corsair 750w psu brand new only used once wasn't sure if it was safe to use because last time i used it the last pc went bang. anyway i tested the pins see if all the voltages are right and they are, so i attach the 24 pin and 8 pin to the motherboard only those 2 cables and the pc started to boot it didnt get very far cos i had no keyboard or mouse and monitor plugged in so it started bleeping and no pci-exp cable i left out also to the video card so now i'm about to put it all back together and so what happens all cross your fingers hope it works.
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