Dear game devs... the BS has to stop... ok?

Except it is, because until you were called out on it you were passing it off as being your own words. If you're going to post and run, stick to GD.
Except it is, because until you were called out on it you were passing it off as being your own words. If you're going to post and run, stick to GD.

Did I say it was my own words? ok I didn't credit the original person who posted it, hang me! I didn't run anywhere. Once I saw a reply I responded hence why I replied saying it wasn't mine and I copied from somewhere else and shared the same opinion as that person? it's still relevant to this subject, I could have typed it up myself because I think the same thing but it was easier to just paste that instead. "My own words" Jesus Christ get a ******* grip it's petty and pedantic, this isn't a bit of art work I've stolen and took credit for it.

Also do not tell me where and what to post on this forum I have just as much as right as you and I pay for my internet thanks. Sitting behind your PC delegating to me as to what I can and can not post, who do you think you are?
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Would you like to turn it down a notch and actually form a calm, collected response of your own to my reply to your initial "borrowed" post then? The name-calling isn't really warranted or necessary given I haven't stooped to that level.
Would you like to turn it down a notch and actually form a calm, collected response of your own to my reply to your initial "borrowed" post then? The name-calling isn't really warranted or necessary given I haven't stooped to that level.

Yes, it's warranted and necessary because of your attitude towards my "borrowed" post, assuming I took it for my own and run off, assuming I don't know how a discussion forum works and talking to me like I've committed some kind of callous act by posting that wall of text along with telling me where I can or what i can and can't post. Now you want me to turn it down a notch? dear me, you should really think about what you post and how it affects others before you tell people to turn it down a notch.
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I have to admit that the only DLC and Expansion packs that annoy me are the ones that are key to the story of a game (i.e. the game was released in an unfinished state - Final Fantasy 15) or ones that are released so soon after the actual release of the game, that they should have been included (e.g. Resident Evil 7). Expansion packs that add new & different content later on down the line are fine in my opinion.
I just agreed with most of what was said so I posted it here because it seemed relevant for the same situation.

Coming from a position of ignorance, and powered by google, I have to argue with some of the content you posted. Whilst the video game industry does have a higher total revenue, if you do a quick search you can see that around 50% of that is from mobile games...which puts them on par if we're considering the games for the home computer and console markets. However, the revenue figures for the film industry are based upon box office takings, and don't include the sale or rental of physical or digital copies or any of the associated merchandising. In which case it's sensible to assume that the film industry actually does much better than we initially assume.

The other problem is that a game has to do incredibly well to make up for games that have been cancelled or sold poorly. Think of the incredible amount of money spent on Star Wars 1313 for it never to surface, or the failure of Dragon Age 2 or Dead Space 3. If a publisher doesn't have insulation from failure to allow for experimentation, a single misstep could be the end of that studio, and would mean that no developer or publisher would want to take any risks.

The figures quoted in that posts are just pulled out of the air in terms of cost analysis because as outsiders we can only guess at the various costs. Yes some publishers are trying to make as much money as possible with their licences but sometimes it's because of the immense amounts of money involved - the recent loot box furore around Battlefront 2 was warranted as it was exploitative beyond what has been established as acceptable costs, but looking at the amounts which were paid to acquire the license in the first place you can understand why Disney and EA would be keen to make as much money as possible to cover those huge figures.

Personally I won't ever engage in microtransactions, and only buy DLC via GOTY packages years down the line, but if the market is there for them they'll stay and if not they'll go...ultimately it's down to the more casual gaming crowd to decide the future for everyone else.

Personally I won't ever engage in microtransactions, and only buy DLC via GOTY packages years down the line, but if the market is there for them they'll stay and if not they'll go...ultimately it's down to the more casual gaming crowd to decide the future for everyone else.

and I think its up to us to make as much noise as possible about these issues
I'm not sure if the development costs of games should factor into the decision to buy it. People don't question buying an Iphone because Apple make loads of money from it. As a consumer you should way up the positives and negatives to decide whether the game is worth that £40 to you, if it's not then when it get's to £20 it might be worth that price. The whole gaming industry would be a lot better if people made sensible decisions and choose not to buy something if they aren't happy with it but no they must pre-order it then complain on social media how bad it is after already dropping £40 on it.
Vote with your wallet and kick up a fuss if you care enough. The Battlefront 2 drama has been highly damaging to EA. Companies are on a fine line with pushing borderline gambling and exploitative systems. The only way they will stop pushing is if they get pushed back.
I agree what the OP said. The micro transactions are the next big ruiner of games.

I play a lot of gta 5 online. I've never paid for any shark cards though. I just play the game and watch the reviews if any good new cars come out. I mainly like racing in gta 5. But they are slowly ruining that game. They bring out vehicles with big price tags that are slow and useless. Some you can't even use in races.

Apparently the next game Red Dead Redemption 2 is being built fully with micro transactions in mind. A sad day.

Maybe people should start doing what we did a lot in the old days ;)
Agree with a lot of comments here. Been gaming since early 80's and have seen a dramatic decline in my willingness to buy games anymore. I will wait until the GOTY edition or complete edition is released even if it takes a year. I won't be buying Battlefront 2 even though my son wants it because I know he will come back in a few days later wanting more. It's all taking the p**s to be honest.

Back in the PS1/SNES/Gamecube/PS2 days you just got the whole game and that was it. Now it's just a minefield when a game comes out because you just don't know how much of the game you will actually get.

I do own Overwatch because all of the updates and seasonal updates are free and the loot boxes are only cosmetic and you can actually earn these in game with XP. It's totally you choice is you want to part with you money and get a certain skin etc but this does not effect the game at all. Counter strike on the other hand is pretty bad when you earn a crate and then have to shell out real money for a key to open it and you are unable to earn keys in game. It's just wrong and I have to blame Valve for starting this trend.

Really wanted to get the new starwars game but glad i didnt in the end, also agree on the Overwatch statement, there isnt P2W there just cosmetics which are optional.
For the last year or so i can honestly say there is no game that has been a must buy for me, im not sure if its just fatigue in general with the games industry after 35yrs, my only hope is that i bought the kids a switch for xmas and this can rekindle some of the love...but i dont know if it will another Mario, Zelda etc might not be the antidote i need.
I've never bought DLC (that wasn't a soundtrack). What do I win?

Also the early PC games did have bugs. I remember receiving the patches for UFO (XCom1) on a floppy disk :p

Other early games had bugs that were just never patched.

Admittedly there were probably less game-breaking bugs, but in those days games were much, much less complex. On the flip side, before even low-level languages like C, when everything was coded in assembler/machine code, yuck.

But yeah, early PC games had bugs.

Oddly, compared to y'all, I don't seem to encounter many bugs in my games these days. Probably because I never, ever, buy games on release, but months after.

Some notable offenders include Firaxis, who I'm boycotting now, because all their recent games have been bug-fests, and they don't even bother to fix them. Firaxis, you suck.
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Some old games had bugs but the vast majority would be good to go with no issues or very minor on release. I had hundreds of games with no patches and no bugs. Also they had to be finished on cartridge and console cd format, there was no way of fixing it after release.

Whilst I do take on board the whole more complicated/too many different systems and we just didn't know until after release. Personally for me I view it mainly as spin. To circumnavigate the real truth and fact that a marketed release schedule had been put in place that must be adhered to. We need our return now so just push it out the door and we'll get around to maybe fixing it later. I believe that's the most common mentality at play today. Some bugs are so obvious in games that the whole we didn't know/realise excuse is rubbish.
A lot of multiplayer games launched with bugs in the old days, I remember BF1942 being near unplayable on day 1. Lag used to be horrendous as well before they invented lag compensation to make it look smooth.
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