Dear iDroid84

Well I now have a huge batch of crowd sourced rotating sigs to put in my sigs folder but the raaape one is most lolworthy for all the wrong reasons ¬_¬


Bit late, bit pants, and I dont have a sig, but if did...

Copying someone else's signature is all fine I guess, internets and all that, but having that person's face in your signature is pretty


and your point is? now look what you have done. :eek::eek: everyone has your signature now... oh no? whatz iz thiz face you speak ofz? :D

EDIT: in future don't leave your directories open on your personal webspace, blank them out with abit of directory password protection or a page saying "oi! you, don't steal me fingz"

loooooooool *angry* *bash keyboard*
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