Dear IT Helpdesk

Siliconslave said:
what would be interesting would be trying to write a driver to allow access of the files that are on there.... but then the mouse is a one-way device so you wouldn't be able to request the data... so maybe you could have some kinda hardware thing that pushed the data through the mouse port....
A PS2 port uses a bidirectional synchronous serial protocol so it does device-to-host and host-to-device. As long as both devices are happy with using the method of data transfer (doesn't PS2 use an odd data/clock line system?) then it *should* be possible.
Roduga said:
A PS2 port uses a bidirectional synchronous serial protocol so it does device-to-host and host-to-device. As long as both devices are happy with using the method of data transfer (doesn't PS2 use an odd data/clock line system?) then it *should* be possible.

arr ok, i stand corrected, was more hypothasising based on my limited knowledge of ps2... the main problem will still be passing the relivant request to the usb drivr to get it to send back data from its disk i would have though, There may well not be a way of doing this over the port.
Are we still discussing this?

It won't work. Not without seriously rejigging the drivers to get the PC to send and receive USB instructions and data via a PS/2 port. Hell, if I took all the adapters I've got in our office, I could plug a USB flash disk into a bigass AT DIN port, or a 25 pin serial, or perhaps even a parallel port. Doesn't mean it's going to work at all.
if you know anything about computers then to suggest it is silly, but as someone always says on these types of threads.. how can you expect someone with limited knowledge of a pc to know that this is a silly idea? it's seems like a relatively smart conclusion to jump to (that it would work) for a non pc user. if it was the other way around (i.e it would work) you would all laugh because the 'stupid user' didn't figure out the obvious for themselves.
/rummages through drawer to find old adapter
....and looks forward to hours of fun plugging in routers, printers, cameras, scanners and anything else I can find with a usb :D
This is getting like the old IBM advert with the universal business adapter

"Does it work in Europe?",

"Yes, but you need an adapter"
I tried to put a USB flash drive in the USB port for the mouse on my g/f's printer, BSOD straight away everytime.
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