Poll: Death Penalty - Yay or Nay

Should the death penalty be reinstated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 321 42.6%
  • No

    Votes: 432 57.4%

  • Total voters
12 Nov 2015
Actually it's the opposite of emotion. Dispose of unwanted rubbish, those that are against death penalty are appealing to liberal hippy emotions "peace man hey everyone deserves to live"


Whilst rolling your eyes you could try watching the Hislop Video on Question Time, it pretty much destroys that whole argument.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
LOL. What on earth makes you think you should be killed for stealing an apple? Typical liberal you go total end of the spectrum.

Death should be for terrorists, serial murders, multiple rapists & child sex offenders, sadists, the worst dregs in society.

lol, I didn't say that at all. now go try reading what I actually said.
and no that doesn't solve anything, it destroys the legal system for all offenders.

you have nothing to back up your position, nothing. Every scrap of statistics, science and evidence goes against your position.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Grand. Not even a few pages in, and the usual suspects have converged on might is right, killin' will fix it and an eye for an eye justice arguments. *triple facepalm* GD!!!! :D

what I always get baffled about, is the typical names who hate Muslims and hate their legal systems, actually support things like this and not only that but want to reduce the costs by removing safeguards.

perhaps they are so against those groups as they see themselves in them.
21 Aug 2010
It's a very primitive and un-evolved position.
We are no longer barbaric animals, we have evolved past that and it's empathy and compassion that separates us from lesser species! (Well some of us that is :p )
28 Nov 2003
Those of us who support the death penalty maybe have to accept there are, mainly young, people who now see any sleight against sexual deviants, agitators, acts of treason, illegal migrants, drug abusers and even common criminals as acts of senility, uncontrolled emotional irrationality, racism, or plain right wing blasphemy by aging, untravelled fools who can't see the big picture, of how the world is changing, allegedly for the better. Our views are considered risible, our education lacking, our life experience irrelevant.

Revenge can be sweet, it can be justified and I uphold it as natural and justifiable. I have had some of the greatest satisfaction in my sixty odd years of existence taking acts of revenge and had a feeling of euphoria way beyond sex, and possibly akin to what I have read of narcotic abuse. Neither at the time, nor subsequently have I felt remorse, or the need to seek counselling. I glowed from within with self respect and empowerment. I have another act of revenge in the plotting, and look forward to the buzz when if it is enacted successfully. No laws will be broken, but maybe perhaps some liberal's sense of outrage may be ignited. That in itself will be a reasonable bonus ;)

So to me, hanging, electrocuting or chemically euthanasing the scum of humanity undoubtedly guilty of murder, rape or treason would be justified solely as an act of revenge. I firmly believe the male population is being emasculated thorough biased teaching and the over empowerment of those who show, shall we say, the more feminine side of manliness.

This failure to grasp thorns and nettles at the political level is for sure the reason the parties more to the right are surging in popularity in Europe and why Trump is enjoying such acclaim in the USA.

People have seen where politically liberal views have landed their countries.
6 Sep 2016
It's a very primitive and un-evolved position.
We are no longer barbaric animals, we have evolved past that and it's empathy and compassion that separates us from lesser species! (Well some of us that is :p )

Those that commit those crimes have not evolved and are barbaric animals.

What do you do to rabid dogs? Put them down.
28 Nov 2003
10 of the 11 states with the highest murder rates in America HAVE the death penalty. Doesn't look like it's much of a deterrent over there does it!!

You cite states with a high black population with very high rates of murder, but can you show what the murder rate would be like *WITHOUT* the death penalty?

How many are actually executed, versus still sat in interminable negotiation with their publicly funded lawyers wasting years over specious appeals? To be honest the wooly liberal opinions in here have revived my interest in eugenics as a means to reduced crime and better social order ;)
28 Nov 2003
Those that commit those crimes have not evolved and are barbaric animals.

What do you do to rabid dogs? Put them down.

No responsible breeder would allow progeny from dogs with bad genetic flaws leading to over aggression or psychopathic tendencies, that's for sure. The immediate families of some murderers should face close scrutiny in my opinion to see if they show similar unstable traits!
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Grand. Not even a few pages in, and the usual suspects have converged on might is right, killin' will fix it and an eye for an eye justice arguments. *triple facepalm* GD!!!! :D

Grand. Not even a few pages in, and the usual suspects have converged on might is not right, killin' will not fix it and an eye for an eye justice won't work arguments. *triple facepalm* GD!!!! :D

That was easy
1 Mar 2010
what I always get baffled about, is the typical names who hate Muslims and hate their legal systems, actually support things like this and not only that but want to reduce the costs by removing safeguards.

perhaps they are so against those groups as they see themselves in them.

In most cases, it's not worth wasting an essay-length post on them. But there's some method in the madness; consider the following justification of their externalised fear and hatred:

(1) Might is right -- they won't like it on the other end, and they know it (notably it appears only right when they're in at least a meagre position of social protection, status or power); hence out groups who advocate it are monstrous barbarians and tyrants and they're the paragons of justice.

(2) Killin' will fix it (try killing an idea) -- they don't want it fixing them or their problems!

(3) An eye for an eye -- paradoxically, the same people desire a stable, orderly and very traditional social group; at least a basic society; hence this form of justice is to be reserved for external groups outside the immediate family, tribe, organisation, etc -- self-preservation at all costs; alas when a society falls down to units acting on this principle, it runs out of units over the long run.

In short, 'remove' serious crime, cross one's fingers and pretend it didn't happen or had deeper causes and effects. Maybe nobody will notice or ask difficult questions, and we can pretend all's well once more. A fairly shallow position to cling on to.
1 Mar 2010
Grand. Not even a few pages in, and the usual suspects have converged on might is not right, killin' will not fix it and an eye for an eye justice won't work arguments. *triple facepalm* GD!!!! :D

That was easy

I'm happy to troll around for pages, but if you want to overturn the pillars of our justice system, you'll have to do better than that, Fox. So far the weight of evidence is not in your stance's favour, and something's popularity does not, fortunately, dictate the law, punishment and its interpretation in the courts.
12 Nov 2015
No responsible breeder would allow progeny from dogs with bad genetic flaws leading to over aggression or psychopathic tendencies, that's for sure. The immediate families of some murderers should face close scrutiny in my opinion to see if they show similar unstable traits!

Dog breeding as an analogy on how you would improve society?
I'd say as in the UK you'd require changes of law to go back to the death penalty or start a system of eugenics, the burden of proof that your way would improve society should lay with you.

Personally I don't see experience of dog breeding as an acceptable level of evidence.
9 Sep 2016
A field in Lincolnshire
All of my nope.

The death penalty serves no purpose beyond an antiquated view of revenge. It is no deterrant and never has been. Also, justice is based on the opinion of people and people are quite often wrong. I know enough about the justice system to know that **** ups are many and varied.
31 May 2009
No responsible breeder would allow progeny from dogs with bad genetic flaws leading to over aggression or psychopathic tendencies, that's for sure. The immediate families of some murderers should face close scrutiny in my opinion to see if they show similar unstable traits!

Interesting, what would you propose you do with said families should they be found to demonstrate features you find displeasing?
21 Aug 2010
You cite states with a high black population with very high rates of murder,

You could have pointed out the fact they are areas of high poverty which HAS been scientifically proven to be linked to crime but you seemed more interested in pointing out the colour of peoples skin:rolleyes:
Speaks volumes of the sort of person you are imho
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