Decent smelling body spray ?

17 Nov 2003
St Breward Cornwall
As title ,i have a physical job and can end up a sweaty mess by the end of the day , any recommendations ? as the supermarket brands i have tried have had a nasty sweet or just not nice smell. i prefer fresh scents rather than old leather types, don't mind spending a tenner or so (big spender eh ?)
A body spray, particularly one at under a tenner, will be short lived and not do what it sounds like you want it to do. You need an anti-perspirant & deodorant; the anti-perspirant stops/reduces the sweating itself and the deodorant provides the fragrance. Something like Dove, Sure, or Right Guard etc will all do a roll-on which does both things.

e: or you could go for an unscented anti-perspirant and buy Lynx body spray if you want to smell like a 14 year old schoolboy :thumbsup:
I could up my budget if it was nice but not overpowering, yeah that's the image I get when I think about Lynx
I think the point is that a body spray is just a fragrance; it's a cheap way of avoiding buying proper aftershave, eau de parfum or toilette. If you're sweating then you want to address that first because a body spray will only mask the sweat smell and only for a short while. If you're not a fan of roll-ons then you could try the stick versions.
Mmmm yes, I can't do aftershave as I work where botanicals may get tainted (gin) I don't really over sweat but after say shrink wrapping a couple of pallets it's hard not to, uniform so I cant really alter that
Guessing you get 6 months plus out of a stick right ?

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Shameless AI cut and paste

  • Skin issues
    Showering too much can strip your skin of its natural oils, which can lead to dry, itchy, cracked skin. This can also cause skin infections, allergic reactions, acne, and dandruff.

  • Immune system
    Frequent showering can reduce the ability of your immune system to create protective antibodies and "immune memory".

  • Skin microbiome
    Showering too much can disrupt the balance of microorganisms on your skin, which can lead to the emergence of hardier, less friendly organisms.
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Its not that I smell it's a case of 34c on a hot day , with physical work at that temp I will just be damp and not feeling fresh .
Other cooler easy peasy days no probs .
Btw I don't mention this a lot but I am vegan so don't eat red meat I also don't eat sugary things , my vice been 2 bottles of red a week and a 6 pack of crisps.
Not ignoring the comments so I stuck some rock face in my basket and looking at the other suggestions
Used the rock face today, it's definitely a cover up job not that I needed it , I will use it but a little too sweet smelling for me , I noticed the 2 dove sticks in Tesco at 3 for 2 (not sure if 24 HR 72 HR or both) I could combo those with Davidoff cool water I have
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