Deciding between iPhone - £35 p/month contract or PAYG

23 Nov 2004
Been adding up the figures and whilst PAYG works out cheaper, there's not as many benefits.
Does the PAYG tariff include the unlimited bundle, as I couldn't find anything about it on the O2 website?
The £35 a month tariff looks good but the £99 initial buy in cost puts me off :(
Would it be likely that O2 do any offers after christmas in the sales?
And is there a new iPhone model due out soon?
Sorry for the numerous questions!
Well with PAYG you get the unlimited data ; same as contract.
I have a PAYG iPhone and currently put £15 a month on it and that's sufficient for me and works out cheaper in the long run than contract like you say.

You choose favourite places and you get 1000 free mins to landlines and o2 numbers.
Suits me.
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I was looking at favourite places, but it said something like 'to uk landlines from any one postcode' - what does that mean?
I was looking at favourite places, but it said something like 'to uk landlines from any one postcode' - what does that mean?
it means you can make free calls to landlines when the call is initiated from your nominated postcode. So if you nominate your postcode at home, landline calls you initiate from home are free. If you made the same call 10miles down the road, it wouldn't be free.
Ah that's a nasty little catch! But with the 1000 mins to o2 numbers, can that be from anywhere?
you gotta be mad to pay what? £350-400 for an iphone on payg?

contract may work out more expensive in the long run, but i simply cannot justify paying that kinda money up front for a phone, madness!
you gotta be mad to pay what? £350-400 for an iphone on payg?

contract may work out more expensive in the long run, but i simply cannot justify paying that kinda money up front for a phone, madness!

If you have the money now, why wouldn't you do it, given that the TCO is less?
Ah that's a nasty little catch! But with the 1000 mins to o2 numbers, can that be from anywhere?

Well what you do is phone from the postcode with 'location services' on and then it sees that you're at that postcode. Then after you've made the call turn off 'location services' and it thinks you're still at that postcode wherever you go! So you're then not tied to one location.

Works for me! :D
it means you can make free calls to landlines when the call is initiated from your nominated postcode. So if you nominate your postcode at home, landline calls you initiate from home are free. If you made the same call 10miles down the road, it wouldn't be free.

As my above post says 'turn off location services once you've made a call at that postcode and it's free wherever you go' works for me . :D. I was surprised when I went somewhere else for the first time with locale off and it said 'free call'! It seems a big oversight on o2s part. I don't know if it would work on every other PAYG iPhone. I presume it would.
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Yeh but I was wanting opinion on tariff details.. O forget it I'm really not in the mood to argue!
its just a mobile phone

GUARDS! Seize him at once!

I would personally go for the PAYG. It's a lot to shell out yes but you're not tied in and can top up as much as suits you each month.

I waited a long time to go PAYG with the 3G and I have to say it has been worth it. Especially when other people are running about with phones tied down to 18 months and aren't really happy with them.
PAYG ***!

I know I have said it in a few posts, but I worked it out that a 18 month contract @ £35 a month + the £100 for the phone would set you back £730 over the year, not including times you might run out of minutes/texts and be tempted to still us the phone, so this figure will more likely be close to £900 for a 18 month period.

PAYG, yes you shell out £350 for the 8GB version, but you get the roughly the same text/minutes for just topping up £15 a month, or maybe even £10 a month.

Im glad I went PAYG.
Yeh those are the figures I came out with, think it worked out at about £600 for PAYG and £15 a month top up over 18 months.
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