Deep fat fryers

27 Dec 2005
Thinking about getting a deep fat fryer simply because a lot of "pro" recipes require one, whether it's tempura or oriental pork etc.

It seems like normal fryers are actually quite cheap, and then the price jumps massively for an Actifry. I'm not that fussed about the healthy sell because it's not exactly going to be used every day and if I wanted to be healthy I wouldn't be deep frying stuff in the first place.

I have some Debenhams gift cards and they have a few: Would there be any noticeable difference between the "normal" ones?
Spend the extra, I wish I had.
Get one with a draining tap, also odour filter and cool zone maybe worth it (depends if they actually work)
As they make the house stink. But you def need a drain tap.

Something along the lines of DeLonghi F34512CZ Coolzone Fryer currently £60 @ currys.
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Beware some of the fryers on that Debenhams page are not deep fat fryers. Like the Actifry's are air fryers and not the type of fryer you are after!

This is why they are much more expensive, they are very different to what you are looking for. As said look for one with a drain, worth it.
I could not live without my deep fat fryer, I got a cheap one but I'm looking to replace it with a double fryer, recipes like arancini, occasionally deep fried crispy chicken and you can not beat proper chips.
i just use a thick bottomed saucepan and a chip basket if i want to deep fry anything... never had a problem with anything ive cooked, and i dont need to have something else cluttering my cupboards, as i need the saucepan regardless and to store the chip basket, i just it in one of the saucepans when they are not in use :D
I've seen a few that don't specifically say they have a draining tape but instead a "rise and fall" basket. I'm assuming this is a compartment that contains the oil and can be removed to pour out a bit easier?
that will just be the basket, where you put your chips or whatever in.
there's not a huge number with drain taps and even less with cool zone and odour filter.

cool zone stops bits that fall off burning on the heating element like in 955 of fryers.
Strong echo of what Glaucus says about making sure you get an enclosed one with the filter/tap.

I've got one of the traditional style fryers and it's a HUGE pain in the backside having to drain/filter a few liters of oil by hand. It's gotten to the point that even though I love being able to deep fry certain foods occasionally, the hassle just isn't worth it. Additionally the smell of frying permeates the kitchen for a couple of days after unless you run it under an oven hood on full blast.

And just to chime in on the actifry issue - I think they're a bit naff. The chips they produce, while not unpleasant, aren't anything like a traditionally fried chip. They're expensive, relatively large, and not as versatile as a real fryer. I'm not convinced they're much healthier than a proper fryer either - if you're frying at a high enough temperature the evaporating water keeps the vast majority of the oil out of the food.
Yeah that's what I originally thought but some say "rise and fall basket for easy clean" which makes no sense. For example:

The Breville VDF064 fryer has a rise and fall basket so you can safely drain oil without splashing and the removable lid makes cleaning easier.

Like you say, struggling to find many with drain taps. It's not something I massively need so trying to use points for one. I have a ton of Nectar points but Argos don't even seem to have one with a tap.
Think I got mine from Tesco in the sale for about £10 and it does the job.

I've never really been too fussed about not having a drain tap on mine. I only use it a couple of times a month and when the oil needs changing it's no fuss to just stick a funnel in a an empty milk carton and pour it in.
Mine is a cheapy, basket lifts out of the main dish, heating element and controls lift out of the main bowel and then the main bowel lifts out of the stand and all can be cleaned and emptied without too much fuss
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