defrag problem

15 Sep 2005
Just been upgrading HDD in system from 80GB to 250GB. After initial problems in the transfer I used Seagates DiskWizard to clone the old disk to the new one (its in a Shuttle box so had to be a disk swap) and can reboot into XP on the new disk and all seemed fine. I then thought as I'd been spending time moving the disks around I'd do some more "maintenance" and defrag the disks. Running defrag in windows works fine and everything is ok until I turn off then when I reboot the PC reports a format error on the HDD. I've repeated the clone/defrag process 3 times and its repeatable,

Any ideas as to what's happened and should I be doing anything about what appears now to be a non-defragable disk!
tbh cloning your boot partitions to another drive isnt a good idea. It does save a lot of time i know, but I would've formated the new drive and installed xp from fresh and installed all the apps afterwards.

Have you run a scandisk on the drive ?
try acronis trueimage or possibly acronis migrateeasy, trial programs available from their site, i used it to get from ide to raid0 array with no problems
I think seagate diskwizard is produced by acronis.

Yes, in an ideal world I'd reinstall but then in an ideal world windows XP would install into its own partition and all apps would then install there data elsewhere so that you could reinstall the OS without losing anything relating to apps. Sadly, in the windows world this isn't possible.
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