
I assume you are running some form of OS that uses NTFS? If so I probably wouldn't bother with defragging the hard drive as NTFS is far better at disk management than Fat32 ever was. Run it if you want to but I've not bothered in about 2 1/2 years since I built my last PC and I didn't notice any slowdown (have since replaced the hard drive so this one is only about 3 months into not being defragged).
Defragging all my drives but c:\ monthly
( reason why not c:\ is cos its fat32, wich takes way too long to defrag, still hardly was at 10% after 20 hours of defragging so i gave up defragging on that drive, result is the avrg true read of files (not just ramdom data) is just 10 mb compared to the disks usual 50 ish mb )

As for all others, ntfs drives, including my 500 gb raid 0, are defragged regurally, quick 10 minutes job but elimates a lot of fragments as my data is always on the move, always downloading, burning and deleting a lot of data.

Just defrag it if analization gives some red spots, if not just leave it if its all blue...
It doesn't matter if its a raid array or a single disk, defragging is same...
If you want to keep your hdd as fast s you can you should defrag it at leats once a month, I sometimes do it once per 2 days manually and automated it happens daily when my screensaver is on ( using diskkeeper).
I defrag my system drive evry so often, does need doing from time to time as I just find the system in general slows down if I don't.
It's worth doing every few weeks, especially if you've been moving many or large files on to and off of the drive. Especially useful if you play games - speeds up load times a bit.
Deleteing files on c: is what causes fragmentation try to delete and do all the work on the slave drive.
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