defrosting meat?

20 Nov 2004
Hi all,

Id like some general information. Do you lot freeze a lot of meat? I used to buy chicken fillets and steak and fish but they used to go out of date, so i started buying in bulk and freezing it.

But it seems to take a while to unfreeze meat. For example, i have 5 frozen chicken fillets, i took them out of the freezer last night before bed (about 11pm) and i just had a look at them now, there still slightly frozen. Not to bad, but there not 100% unfrozen!

How long should it take to unfreeze stuff, and how do you lot normally unfreeze meat? I normally take it out of the freezer and stick it in the fridge.

Also, i was thinking of sticking the chicken in the oven and having chicken burgers. Is it ok for me to do that even though its very slightly frozen? Surly a good half hour at 200 degress would infreeze it anyway?!
Also, i was thinking of sticking the chicken in the oven and having chicken burgers. Is it ok for me to do that even though its very slightly frozen? Surly a good half hour at 200 degress would infreeze it anyway?

Not unless you want food poisoning. Amount of time to thaw will depend what meat it is, the size of the joint, and ambiant room temp.
I take it out the night before with chicken breasts, put them on one of the rack type shelves (I keep thinking they'll take longer to defrost on a glass shelf) and they're defrosted in the morning.
I find chicken takes forever to defrost, and half the time end up chopping it up and stir frying it half frozen.

I'm still alive.
Same as above. I normally take any frozen meat out and leave it to defrost overnight. Just remember though, red meat can ooze blood onto foodstuffs underneath it so be aware of that and either put it on a plate or use the dedicated defrosting rack if your fridge has one.
Defrost in the microwave. :cool:

If your microwave doesn't support defrosting, stick it in on 10-30% for however it takes to defrost.

Either that, or cook the meat extremely slow until defrosted, then cook as normal.
Just wack it in a bucket of cold water for 30 mins.

Microwave is awful, you'll get defrost middle bit and the tips are all cooked and rubbery.

I freeze all my meat and use the cold water trick, works everytime. If its mince then i will put it in the fridge overnight.
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