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Don't you have pet insurance?

[edit]On morals alone you shouldn't even consider not paying it.
Hmm, I know normally they will send you a couple of reminbers, then get in touch with a debt collection agency. I think the fact that they did try and save your cat and use resources to do this means they will want you to pay.

*EDIT* Oh yeah, pet insurance not cober it?
If somebody had taken your cat in and they did manage to save molly, would you still question paying for it?
These people tried to save your cat from dieing, you're quibbling over £64 to recompense them? Pretty sick actually, I doubt you'd be questioning this if they managed to save your cat.
Not sure where you stand legally but i think it would be pretty poor if you contested the bill.

To think that someone actually made the effort to save your pet rather than letting it suffer a slow death at the roadside would be worthy of some gratitude.

Who would you expect to pick up the tab if you legally didnt have to pay? The Vet? or the people you left your cat with?

So, hypothetically speaking... someone takes a dying pet thats not theirs to the Vet for treatment. The Vet turns this person away because without the owner present he cant even euthanise the animal as the Vet would have to pay costs. Plus i expect be responsible for the costs to dispose of the animal.

Just pay the bill. Im sure the Vet will allow installments if you cant afford to pay it all at once. Forget legallity in this case and concentrate on doing the right thing.
Hope you don’t get offended, but does this charge also include the funeral expenses? It is not the sort of subject they raise when you cat has just died.
If a family member were found dying by the side of the road, you'd rather someone didn't take them to hospital for you because that may cost you some money...?

You don't deserve a cat imo. Don't look to the internet for moral sign-off on being a ****. (tried to think of a polite word for you... couldn't.)
The cat was your pet, therefore your responsibility.

Sorry to hear about the poor thing though. :(
[edit]On morals alone you shouldn't even consider not paying it.

These people tried to save your cat from dieing, you're quibbling over £64 to recompense them? Pretty sick actually, I doubt you'd be questioning this if they managed to save your cat.

Pay the ******* bill. An utter disgrace if you even consider trying to get out of it.

Couldn't have put it better myself so I'll quote them instead.
I have to agree with most here. Your cat therefore your responsibility.

Vets are expensive, but if you didn't know that before getting your cat originally then thats your fault.

Pay the bill.
Cats are legally classed as a "free sprit" or somesuch and you cannot be held responsible for damage they cause, unlike a dog where you are responsible.

From a purely legal point of view i think you would not be liable, the person who brought the animal to the vets would be liable.

I cant remember the exact working but dogs and cats are treated very differently in the eyes of the law. If your dog bit someone on the street you would be legally responsible, but if your cat bit or scratched someone you wouldnt ( something to that effect anyway ). Legally you dont "own" a cat in the same sense that you own a dog.

Morally of course its your bill to pay.

EDIT: Ive done a bit of searching and info relating this this isnt easy to find BUT with the "animal welfare act 2006" some of the above might have changed. Ive tried to search for the specific area of law but i cant find it.
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You have a legal and moral obligation to provide as much care for your pet as possible. So if you are not prepared to pay for the costs involed in trying to save it's life, you should not be allowed to look after any animal.

Get a pet rock or something, they cost nothing to care for.
Cats are legally classed as a "free sprit" or somesuch and you cannot be held responsible for damage they cause, unlike a dog where you are responsible.

From a purely legal point of view i think you would not be liable, the person who brought the animal to the vets would be liable.

I cant remember the exact working but dogs and cats are treated very differently in the eyes of the law. If your dog bit someone on the street you would be legally responsible, but if your cat bit or scratched someone you wouldnt ( something to that effect anyway ). Legally you dont "own" a cat in the same sense that you own a dog.

Morally of course its your bill to pay.
Very interesting, wasn't aware of that.

Pay the bill though mate :)
You could check your pet insurance if you have it, Now you could argue that if it was the driver who knocked it over and took it to the vets, well he knocked your cat over so they should pay. Then again your cat was allowed to roam the streets and it may be said that your responsible for the accident. I have two cats and at the moment and have had several more in the past, one of which was knocked over and a few more that have died due to illness so i know what your going thru. Personally id just pay the bill as at the end of the day it was your cat..........
Blimey, asking for clarification hasn't half brought out some people colours has it!

The op is asking a rather specific question though. We all know ( i hope ) that morally he should pay as its his cat and its the right thing to do.

Legally though its a different matter, i suspect, and not quite so clear cut.
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