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Its a difficult one.

£64 isnt a lot of money in the grand scheme of things.

However, if you had took the cat to the vets and they came back and said "She needs an operation and treatment - about £600" you would seriously have to weigh up the pros and cons - in these times of economic crisis is your family pet worth more than your mortgage payment?

It really all depends on the bond you have, some people treat there pets like family members, others treat them like pets.

I recently had to take my bearded dragon to the vets and there was a conversation i had with the girlfriend before going in about agreed limits of spend if it came to it - you really have to be sensible. In the end all he needed was some drugs and an injection so all was good.

So to sum up - i can see where the OP is coming from and if it had been any more then i would have thought it would be up for discussion - but not £64
I recently had to take my bearded dragon to the vets and there was a conversation i had with the girlfriend before going in about agreed limits of spend if it came to it

My pets have insurance so I don't need to decide whether I put a bit of shopping or their life first.

Dont agree - you have to draw the line somewhere - morally maybe, legally i very much doubt it.
There is no maybe about it. There may be an aberration of law that means he can get away with it, morally he has to pay it. Someone else picking up the tab trying to keep his pet alive?

Frankly I'd be embarrassed.
You're getting a lot of flack here, and I sympathise with the comments being made in response to your post. However, if we are honest, the same question might have crossed a few of our minds - but we probably wouldn't have actually asked it.

Feel comforted that your pet was treated with compassion following the accident. I spent 10 minutes one Sunday afternoon recently stroking the face of a Jack Russell x-breed which had been knocked down by a young guy a couple of cars in front of me. Not the driver's fault - the dog had ran out without warning. It was clear that a vet was not a practical proposition, but at least the dog had what I can only assume was some comfort in its final minutes of life.

I trust the same was true for your pet
How much is the insurance if you don't mind me asking?

For a cat or dog under 5 years old probably about 7-15quid a month.

One of my dogs got hit by a car and killed 6 weeks or so ago. She was insured for £13.75 a month and the vets bill in the end, including cremation, came to £305. This was all covered by the insurance and we also recieved a £75 payment for her death, money to cover replacement of the dog. She was 5 years old at the time.

Our other dog is 6 years old and she costs £12.75 a month and our 8 month old kitten costs £8.25 a month. This is all with sainsburies pet insurance.

They were very helpful and considerate on the phone and didnt argue at all about paying out. They seem to be a little more expensive than some others but the service was first rate.
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i'd pay the bill and send a box of roses & some flowers to the people who took your cat in :)

most people would just ignore the cat tbh..
I'd just pay the £64. I'd be more gutted about losing my cat than a few quid and glad someone at least tried to help.

Pet insurance here though, it's not even that much for a cat I pay about £3 a month.
£64 is well worth the fact that someone tried to save your cats life, its better than it being left to die in the side of the road.

Just pay it
It wouldn't change. If he's too tight to pay for insurance I have no sympathy.

I dont believe thats the point - whether or not he is too tight for insurance isnt the issue - some pets are not insurable (within reason).

Where does the OP legally stand with regards to the bill - if he didnt agree with it, if it wasnt his vets - how many tagged cats run away every month and never return to their owners? Ill bet a fair number - are they still responsible for the bill if one were to land on their doorstep?

As said above - if you run over a cat you can drive on - if you run over a dog you have to report it.

I think this shows where the law stands on this issue!
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The man's cat has just died and that bloodsucking vet wants to charge him for not saving his pet. Perhaps if the vet had any morals / conscience he/she would waive the charge in light of the fact that the OP is already dealing with an upsetting situation.
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