Gilly said:
You don't want any genre classification at all?
Preferably not.
Why limit yourself to one music 'genrè', when you can possibly 'experiance' more than what you normally like?
Im not entirely against classification, but having so many is stupid. Just a few. So that you can listen to more than one type within a type.
The current catagories are flawed though. imo. My arguement is that Electronic music is classed as Dance music and is often listed under dance. When it shouldnt be. As electronic music was the 'starting point' for Dance music. Dance music is essentially watered down electronic music, often with vocals. So why is Electronic music classified under Dance?
How on earth would you check things out that you didn't know had come out, or new artists in a genre you'd not heard but might want to give a listen?
Well i dont know your buying habbits, but i dont know a single person who goes into a music shop and buys a CD from the 'genrè' section that they like, but the CDs from an artist that they've never heard of.
Every single artist lumped in together and alphebetised would be the final nail in the coffin of high street shops.
Why would it?
It would force people to listen to more than what they consider 'good'.
While it does slightly conflict with my previous comment, if you have no classification, and just an A-Z section, it'd A) be easyier for people to find what they are looking for (because lets be honest, most people know what CD they want when they go into the shop) & B) as ive said, allow people to listen to stuff that they wouldnt normally consider.
For example. My two main types of music that i listen to is Electronic & Indy. Now, if i 'stayed' with those two genres because when i walked into a shop to look for a new electronic/indy album and only went to those sections, i'd never have heard of other artists in other genrès that i could possibly like. If its all 'lumped together', then theres more chance of me being inquisitive about other artists in genrès i wouldnt normally consider.
But thats off topic, the thing that bothers me, which i cover in my first point of this post, is that Electronic is classed under Dance.
When it should be the other way around. imo.