If you crash ... you crash, and if you don't ... you don't. No need to worry about these things as it will take away the thrill of being on two wheels. Buy the best protection/kit you can afford and always ride within your limits. There will be days when you go over them slightly and you'll get little warnings here and there but that's to be expected. If you learn from these then you WILL become a better rider.
Just do your test, enjoy the experience and be prepared to have a bucket load of fun ;)
Euro_Hunter said:
TBH I have never had a problem riding in the wet, but I am very wary of frosty/icy roads, I ride to work every day on my bike except when the roads are icy
That's exactly how I feel.
I don't mind the rain but try to avoid riding when the roads are frosty or icy.

BTW good luck with your bike test smoove ;)
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